Mrs. George and Maggie

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People often wonder who I based my characters on or where I get my ideas from. Most know The Gray Brothers were based on my dad and his brothers' personality.

What no one knew was that Mr. and Mrs. George were actually based off of my parents. In fact, Patty and her family were based off of my own family.

My parents were married for thirty-two years before Dad passed away. I have an older brother who was friends with the neighborhood boys, who Nate and his brothers were based on. (No, I never dated the oldest brother. And no, my brother never dated or married my best friend.)

Yes, I worked at a grocery store and my mother did raise hell when I got sick while working. She was the one who suggested that I should write and published. She was the one who gave me the idea for The Gray Brothers.

So, yes, my mother appeared in the Gray series as Mrs. George. It was fitting since she played a pivotal role in my life and writing career.

She was also the inspiration for Maggie, and Nash was her favorite brother since my dad inspired Nash. (No, he wasn't a tool like Nash, but he had his moments.)

If you read the series, you will find my mom woven heavily within it. Yeah, she was a bit crazy but fun like Lucille. The woman could chuck a case of pop into a cart faster than anyone, and she was in her seventies. She was also quick. I kept losing her in the store when we shopped. (Nolan, anyone?)

My mom also encouraged me to publish my stories to paperbacks. She wanted to read my books and didn't like electronics. You can thank her for the paperbacks available. You gotta like old school parents.

Now out of the books, she had her favorites. Lucille, The Gray Brothers, Rain, and Collision. When I asked her why? She said it was because of the characters.

My mom wasn't just my mom, but my best friend. We talked all of the time and discussed my writing. When I got stumped on an idea I was writing, she would help me get past it. There was never a time we didn't discuss the stories or ideas. Even when I was sick and she was sick, she would ask how the next book was coming. If that isn't encouragement, then I don't know what is.

She gave me a dream, and I ran with it, making her proud. You can't ask for more than that from a parent.

So, now you know who inspired Mrs. George and Maggie.

Like my mom, my brother suggested an idea about writing about my mom and her antics. If anyone knows me, and I'm sure you do, expect to see a story pop up about mom. 😉

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