Parent's Issues

561 14 2

A/N I don't own Yugioh


The lady stopped packing and looked at Jenna surprise.

"Oh Jenna sweety, I.."

"Where are you going?"

"Oh well I um I have places that I need to go, you know like stuff just came up"

"But you only just arrived"

"I know, I know and I'm sorry I have to leave like this"

"Yeah without telling me"

Jenna said glaring at her mother.

"Oh don't worry, its only going to take a couple of weeks or probably a couple of months but don't worry i will be back so we can continue our plans together"

Jenna was upset but tried to hold it in and nodded her head.

"Yeah yeah okay. Yeah whatever"

Jenna's mother smiled at her

"It was great seeing you again. Goodbye Jenna"

"Yeah you too... Claire"

Claire froze but none the less she continued to pack and get inside the taxi and drove away. Everyone was quiet as Jenna stood watching the car leave.

"I'm sorry Jenna"

Yukari said sincerely as everyone else froze from what they just witness. Jenna then turned towards the group with a fake smile.

"Nah, this works out better for me"

"Jenna its alright to be angry"

"Hey why should i be mad? At least she said good bye this time"

"I'm sorry, if there was something that I..."

"You know what, you don't got to do anything, Yukari. It's not like I'm still 5yrs old. Its not like I'm up every night asking the social worker 'when's mommy coming home?' who needs her? She wasn't there to teach me how to cast my first spell but I learned and got pretty damn good at it too."


"Got through my first day of school without her. I learned how to drive, I learned how to play guitar, how to fight. I had 13 great birthdays without her, she never send me a damn card"

Jenna turns around and shout down the street.

"To hell with her! I didn't need her then and I don't need her now."

Jenna then turned back around to face the group.


"You know what Yukari, I'm gonna make it through college without her. I'll be in top of the world without her. I'll marry me a handsome guy, have a bunch of kids and be a better mother than she will ever be. I don't need her for that because there's not a damn thing she could ever teach me about how to love my kids"

Everyone was silent, they didn't know what to say all the guys had no idea that Jenna was struggling so much at home, they thought everything was okay because she was always smiling but only the girls knew the truth. Jenna looked at everyone tears were finally falling.

"How come she doesn't want me?"

Jenna breaks down and ran inside her house and up to her room. Everyone went inside and set everything down, they didn't know what to say except Joey.

"Hey by any chance do you guys know where the restroom is?"

"Yeah upstairs next to Jenna's room"

Becky said with a sigh. Joey nodded and went upstairs he can hear Jenna crying her heart out. Joey slowly slipped inside the room and went and sat on the bed and rubbed Jenna's back comfortable. Jenna wiped her tears and sat up and gasp in surprise that it was her crush.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see me like this, I look like a total mess"

"Hey there's no need to apologize, I know exactly what your going through"

Jenna sniff a little


"Yeah, you see my Dad he was a complete drunk and always beat me and as for my mom she always tries to take me out of the family picture, all I have is my sister Serenity"

"I never actually knew my dad"

"I'm sorry that your going through this especially a pretty girl like yourself"

Jenna looked at Joey with wide eyes and a smile that was growing

"You think I'm pretty"

Joey leaned a bit closer to Jenna and Jenna leaned a bit closer.

"Oh I know your pretty"

Jenna couldn't help herself, she close the gap between them and kissed Joey on the lips, his eyes open wide in shock while Jenna had hers close. After a few seconds, Jenna quickly pulled away and touched her lips blushing.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me"

Joey smirk and leaned closer, gently holding Jenna's chin and faced her.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad, to be honest I actually really like you"

Jenna smiled with a blush.

"I like you too"

"Good now let's try this again"

Joey said causing Jenna to giggle as he kissed her on the lips gently. After a few minutes they pulled away.

"So a date tomorrow?"

Jenna smiled

"Yes please"

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