Halloween, trick or treating, and scary movies

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We walked into their house and made our way to the family room. Cayson popped in a movie and settled in, as did the rest of us. Liz and I sat on the loveseat while Jonas and Nate sat on the couch. My brother and Cayson sat on the floor. Now pay close attention to our seating arrangements.

The girls were on the loveseat. Right? The two older Gray boys were on the other couch. Got it? Cayson and Danny were on the floor. Okay? Now that we're clear on our seating arrangements, that's when musical seats happened.

I became so engrossed in the movie that I didn't notice they all had switched spots. Liz got up from her location with Nate taking her place. She sat next to Danny, taking Cayson's seat, and Cayson moved next to Jonas, taking Nate's place.

Halfway through the film, a scary scene happens. I screamed and jumped in my seat, only to have someone pull me close to them. Why the hell was Liz holding me? I turned to ask her when I noticed she was next to Danny, and Cayson was next to Jonas. My eyes widened as I saw Nate holding me while smiling.

My heart thumped in my chest, and the entire neighborhood heard it. I gulped. "Uh." Yeah, no words were forming as my mouth went dry.

"Yes?" His voice was silky as I stared at him wide-eyed. I had sat next to Nate before and touched him while helping him up. Never in my entire life have I ever been this close to him. My body temperature rose as I started sweating.

He leaned into my ear as his fiery breath fanned my cheek. "I want to kiss you, but your brother is here, and so is mine. And you're not eighteen."

He leaned away from me, and I shoved his arm off me. He smirked as I gazed at him. At that moment, I didn't know what to think. Was I a game to him? I didn't know or want to find out.

I got up from my seat and moved to a recliner, leaving him confused. Good, because he made me dizzy.

"How come you're sitting over there?" Danny asked me.

"Because I wanted to get comfortable." I shot Nate a glare. Sometimes, my brother is clueless.

We finished watching movies. After the last film ended, I snatched my candy and stormed home. I wouldn't be a game to anyone.



"What's up with Patty?" Jonas asked Nate.

"Beats me." Nate shrugged, walking to his room.

"I believe that big brother has blown it," I said.

"Blown what?" Danny asked.

"Danny, walk me home, and I'll explain this little thing called liking someone," Liz said, grabbing his arm and leading him out of their house.

Jonas looked at me. "All this work and he blows it in a matter of seconds. Ma will kill us."

I thought about it, tapped my finger against my lips, then snapped them. "I got it. I know how we can get those two together."


"We still have the cabin up north, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, we need our mothers to send them on a brief road trip together." I grinned.

"I doubt that'll happen."

"You doubt Ma's deceitful behavior?"

"No, I don't doubt, but I doubt Nate and Patty would agree to it."

"Well, leave that part to me."

"Yeah, but when?"

"Hunting season is coming, so Ma can persuade Nate and Patty to get the cabin ready for Dad and our uncles."

"Sometimes, I wonder if you didn't get more of Ma's genes than our dad's."

"That makes me happy because Dad's scary."

"I'll never understand the issue with Nate, you, and Dad."

"It's simple. Nate's like Dad and Dad think I'm a screw-up." I shrugged and walked away.



Did Nate want to kiss me? But he didn't because my brother was there, and I'm not eighteen! Unbelievable!

I paced my room while mumbling to myself in frustration. One minute, people tell me that Nate likes me, which is weird. Then he said that he wanted to kiss me but didn't.

One minute, he acts like I'm a pain in the ass, and the next, he's flirting with me. Hot and cold! Hot and cold! I tell you! Why can't a guy tell you that he likes you and ask you out? Is it that complicated?

I sat down on my bed in a huff. Why do I like a guy, and he makes my life miserable or gives me mixed signals? And people wonder why I don't date. Right here is a prime example.

I'll focus on school and work. At least, those are the two constants in my life without dealing with an emotional rollercoaster of liking someone.

Guys are so confusing.

The Gray Brothers: The Beginning✔️ (Kindle version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang