We walked out of the house and into Mahogany's car. She put the Windows's down, and turned the radio up. Haha. Sounds like that one song.

On the way there, Mahogany wanted to stop for yogurt. Everyone loves that place. In the window, I saw a sign that said 

" now hiring" 

And I literally ran out of the car to the front door. I saw Lacey, one of the girls that works here, and she saw me and came over.

"Lacey can I have one of those applications. This is exactly the perfect job for me. I know everything about this place." I said and it looks like she was thinking real hard.

"Emily, since I know you really well, AND you worked one day here and you did perfect, I'll give you the job." She said and I squealed, and went over the counter to hug her.

"You'll start next week, okay?" She said and I nodded.

We left the yogurt shopped and started to drive to Clover's Mall. When we got there, we first went to Victoria Secret for bathing suits. We walked over to  the bathing suit side and went different ways. I was searching through the rackets and saw this really cute bikini top.

It was pink and the back  where ladders. Hm, that why they called it the Ladder Bikini Top. I new for sure that was one of the tops I would get. I wanted to get four tops, and four bottoms.

I then saw these cheetah printed bottoms and saw that they'd look perfect with the Ladder Top Bikini.

One bathing suit down, three to go.

I then found all the ones I wanted after a while.

The second one I got was a fringe white bikini top, then white bottoms.

The third one I got was an orange tankini with matching bottoms.

And the fourth one was a pink crop top, with black bottoms. 

I bought my stuff then went to Hollister for another three or four outfits.

I ended up picking three outfits.

Outfit 1) A pink dress, and in the back it crossed.

Outfit 2) A strapless navy blue dress with polka dots.

Outfit 3) a tanktop that said hollister with low-rise short shorts, that where a dark shade.

I ended up getting getting galaxy, black, and white vans to, but from a different shop. We're staying there for a week, maybe two weeks, but I had other clothes. 

Suit Case! I forgot about that... I got three zebra printed ones, and it came with a free black bag, that I could put stuff in, maybe when I went to the beach.

Oh crap, another thing I forgot was that I left Mahogany! She doesn't know anything about this Mall!

I hurried up and got my phone to see three missed calls from her.

I  hurried up and called her and she was at the food court. I walked there and saw her sitting there on her phone. She saw me then she asked me where all the cool shops where, and, we, shopped..

When she was finally done, we went to the food courts to go eat. We got pizza from one of the places and sat down.

"Hey, I have to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I said and she nodded.

While walking across the mall, some kid was running and bumped into me, making me fall.

Oh gosh.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry,let me help you up." He said and offered me his hand. I grabbed, then he pulled me up.

He looked and me and smiled.

* editing * The FaceTime That Started It All♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora