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"Whew party!!"

Kim popped a bottle. We were on the rooftop of me and Youngjae's new apartment building. Apparently there's this huge balcony where me and my friends could chill. And today was Youngjae's birthday.

It was me, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, Jaebum, Youngjae, and Sohee. It was nighttime so we could see the lights of the beautiful city under us.

There were a few overhead lights we had set up because we were going to hang here for a long while. Thankfully Jinyoung and Sohee flew down to celebrate this pabo's birthday. But all throughout the day me and Youngjae went shopping places and having fun.

Youngjae sat on the bench next to me as Kim went nuts. We all laughed at her. "Did Kim drink before she got here?" I ask Yugyeom. He shrugs. Me and Youngjae tugged arms and made sure there was no space between us.

"So I heard..Youngjae used to babysit you, Minseo." Sohee chuckled a bit. I roll my head in a circle,

"Yeah yeah."

"What did you do to her Youngjae?" Jaebum asked with a drink in his hand. "I didn't do anything I swear!" He shrugged. They all laughed.

"Yeah right. You did something to poor Minseo." Jinyoung sipped his drink. "Minseo, what'd he do??" Yugyeom peeked at me.

"Well, I think I was the one who started liking him first. The first time we kissed, it was an accident. The second time was after he quickly confessed." I grin.

"How can the first time be an accident?" Jaebum tilts his head.

"Well she kinda- Kind of- Fell? And landed on top of me and.." Youngjae saw Jaebum slowly get angry. Jaebum stood up,

"Minseo was on top of you?? And here I am saying I trusted you as a babysitter, aish never again.."

We all laughed at his remark. "How did Youngjae confess?" Kim asked, crossing her legs. I look up to the sky. "I believe his exact words were, I like you."

Everyone stared blankly at me with the drinks in their hands. "Wait..t-that's it?" Jinyoung asks. I nod. Youngjae cringed at the memory. "So it was literally the words, I like you." Sohee asked. "Mmhm.." I nod.

Jinyoung hit Youngjae in the shoulder,

"Yah..what kind of confession is that you punk..I should just-" Jinyoung threw a fist up. "Well whatever he did, it worked." Jaebum said after drinking. I giggled. "Ew." Yugyeom says. I kick him in the foot.

"Hey I remember when-"

Before I could finish, we heard footsteps and noises. We looked to where it came from. Soon we saw sneakers walking up to us, looked up, and saw a familiar face. He had his hands in his pockets and sighed. "Hi.." He waved quickly.

My jaw dropped.

Jaebum stood up. He nodded. Jaebum went to hug him. "I haven't seen you in forever bro where'd you go??" He laughed. We all sat there silently and awkwardly.

"I've actually been here. I saw on SNS that Youngjae was having a birthday here so I decided to show up." He smiled. Jaebum pat him on the back,

"Glad you did. Hey guys remember Jackson!" Jaebum says excitedly. I nodded my head. Jackson reached out a small box to Youngjae,

"Happy birthday old friend."

"Jackson what is this." Youngjae glares up at him.

"You're birthday present now take it."

"Why do you think I trust you?"

"Just do it."

Youngjae snatches the box and opens it. I couldn't see what was inside but it made Youngjae freeze. "My-"

"You don't have to say it. It took me years to say this, but sorry for embarrassing you all those years ago. I betrayed our friendship and trust and it was stupid and childish. I mean, we were children but.."

We glared up at him. "Sorry." He says and bunches his lips together. I guess something must've happened to them that Jackson did and that was probably what made them enemies. Youngjae closed the box.

He looked at me, I looked at him. What was he thinking...? Then he stood.

"Apology..accepted I guess."

Then they hug.

I could've cried. Everyone clapped and whooped. "Yeah! YoungSon reunion!" Jinyoung whooped. I laughed. So extra!

Everyone was in the back were still partying. Me and Youngjae were leaning on by the rail of the balcony and stared at the city view.

"I'm so glad you and Jackson made up." I say. "I guess you and Jackson have some things to catch up on?" Youngjae asked, his attention on the city. I sigh, "I guess so. Half of it I barely remember." I shrug.

"I guess we have some catching up to do also." He shrugs too. "Mhm. But it's your day so let's focus on you." I yawn. "Tired?"

"Of course not. I'll be up all night."

"Doing what..?" Youngjae smirked.

I hit him in the shoulder, "What're you thinking! So dirty-minded." I laughed.
He laughs too. I smiled and we turned back to the view. I'm glad everything worked out the way it did. Me and Youngjae coming here together.

Him and Jackson making up. Jaebum is happy. Yugyeom is happy. Everyone is happy.

"So beautiful." Youngjae says. "I know.." I respond, looking at the city lights. "I was talking about you." He adds. I turn my head to him and there he was smiling. I blushed hard.


"Whoa Minseo look at that!" Youngjae pointed behind me. I turned around and looked to where he was pointing. I was expecting fireworks, maybe a UFO? But there was nothing but the night sky. I looked directly in the spot he pointed.

"I don't see anything.." I shook my head. Then I turned my head back around to Youngjae, but instead I saw a bright shiny ring not too far from my face.

I froze. My heart sunk below my feet.
And my mouth was open and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Im Minseo...since I met you, you were all I could think about. You basically became my world and more. My everything. I lost you once, but I can't lose you again. Even though I kinda suck at this, I want to be with you forever. So..will you-"

"YES YES YESSSS!!!" I jumped up and down. Youngjae looked shocked at my sudden action since I was frozen just a second ago.

"I WILL I WILL!!!" I shout. When I stopped jumping, Youngjae slowly slid the ring on my ring finger and it was a perfect fit. My heart was on fire. But tears started gushing out my eyes uncontrollably.

Youngjae saw me,

"Yah you pabo I said I was going to marry you but you didn't listen to me. Look you're crying." He joked. I wiped a tear.

Everyone started crowding around us and cheered. "Yaaaay!!" They all whooped. I laughed in the midst of my tears of joy.
"Hey! Let's make a toast!" Jaebum shouted. Everyone lifted their drinks,

"To Minseo and Youngjae!"


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