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I felt embarrassed at my accusation. But I still couldn't believe it. He's my age?? This changes everything.
I mean..this changes nothing at all! He's still the same. I'll still look at him as the 30 year old. Right? Sheesh.

He continued to smile at me. "What? Can't believe it?" He tilts his head. "I can. I just didn't..know." I answer. Youngjae then took out his phone and stared at his screen. "Uh..your brother isn't gonna be back until 6 more hours. What should we do?" He looks at me.
"Definitely stop watching Tv." I turn it off with one click. He looks down with his eyes, then back up at me.

"Wanna go out?" He asks. "Like, by myself?!" I get excited. "No. I mean together." He shuts me down. I scratched my head. "Are you into me?" I mutter. "What? No! Not..like together together. I mean..ugh you know what I mean." He groans. I laugh at his weirdness. "I do have a girlfriend, you know." He nods.
"You're lying." I smirk. "Yeah. You're right. Can we leave now?" He stands up.

"Okay!" I say as cutely as possible. We start heading for the door, but he turns around with a suspicious look. "Don't try anything." He tells me. I nod, "Of course not." I say with my fingers crossed behind me back.

We left. Youngjae insisted we go to the park. The weather felt perfect for it. We decided to get to know alot of new things about each other. Even though I was secretly trying to get him distracted so I could escape. He has no idea.

"Tell me about your friends." I say. "Why do you want me to talk so much? I've been talking for hours, Minseo." He complains. "Just tell me." I shake my head. He sighs and goes on and on explaining things. We were by the lake. Then, a lady with bags was walking in another direction from us. Before she could pass us by, she dropped them. Yes!!!

I mean..poor lady.

Youngjae immediately bent down to help her with her fallen bags. Sheesh. Was this the lady we read about in math problems? Why did she have so many?? But I bent down and pushed a few bags their way to seem like i'm helping.

A few other people came by and helped. Yes! A crowd.
Soon, I stood up straight and managed to sneak away. Youngjae had no clue. I made sure I ran without making any noise. I finally escaped. I took my phone out of my back pocket. I called Jackson.

He's in my same school. We always hang out together. He's more of a player, but my type of guy to hang with. I first saw him behind the school smoking in 10th grade. We basically went on from there. I heard he has a little crush on me, but I don't know if that feeling is still there. Yeah I would date him. Who would not??

"Hello? Jackson?"

"Yeah Minseo? Where are you, girl?! This party is crazy. But not crazy enough without you." He says. I feel touched.

"Where are you guys? I'm on my way."

I reach the party. Jackson was right. Many people I couldn't recognize was smoking in the front. The music was blasting and everyone was wild. There was trash everywhere and graffiti. Others were yelling out curse words. This is my kind of party.

I walked through and into the building. I saw Yugyeom and some girl talking to each other. She had short hair. I can't lie, she was gorgeous. But she looked like she would shatter his heart in pieces. So I walked over there and pushed her away. "Why're you here? Leave." I say. She rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

I smile in victory. "Minseo? What're you doing?" He asked, trying to speak over the blasting music. "Saving you from that girl. She seems like a snob." I say honestly. "Yeah, you're right she is kind of a snob." He answered. I laughed. "Where's Jackson?" I ask. Yugyeom points in a direction. I walk over there, and he smiles when he sees me.

"Wassup girl." He smirks. "Just trying to enjoy a party." I wrap my arms around his neck. "You should get a drink." He says. "Of course."
We went over to the drink which looked almost empty. I popped the top off and started gulping alot down. I'm used to this. After that. we started dancing to the music and I was having tons of fun.
Me and Jackson got really close. Our lips were close to each other. We were about to kiss.

Suddenly, something takes my hand and pulls me away quickly and hard. Before I was just about to kiss him. The hand took me all the way through the crowd so fast I was losing my balance. "What the h-"

"Minseo are you insane! I went crazy looking for you! Do you have a death wish? Why did you leave me?!"

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