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"Uh..! I mean..uhm..the..uh.."

I struggled to come up with a proper excuse. Minseo laughs. "Did you mean my smile?" She asks.

"N-No.." I stutter. She laughs more. "Ha..you're so funny when you're shy." She says. I look down with my eyes. "Sorry.." I say in low tone. "For what?" She raises an eyebrow. "For making things awkward."

"You did not. Let's just talk without any awkwardness." She says and I sigh in relief. She's so understanding. Sometimes I forget how much of a trouble-maker she is. "So, tell me about your dreams as a singer." She says and shifts her head on the pillow she was laying on.
"But I told you everything about that already."

"I don't care, tell me again." She commands. I smile to myself.

It's tomorrow. Jaebum had already left for his job. Me and Youngjae decided to make some cupcakes. Right now we're putting batter inside the cups.


I say while mixing. Me and Youngjae were side by side. "You said you can sing, show me." I shrugged. He smiled and chuckled, "Ah Minseo..now?"

"Yeah. I wanna hear." I nod. "What do you want me to sing then?" He asks. I shrug.

"It's not my choice, i'm not the one singing."

He nods with a smile. I wonder if he has an average voice. Usually people have a voice that's just like everyone else's. His voice has to really be something. Hopefully he's not one of those average singers.

I kept my head down on the cupcakes we were mixing. He waited a few seconds, before vocalizing. I stopped doing what I was doing immediately.

That's how much his voice shook me.

He was just softly vocalizing, then he started singing fully.

Both of my eyebrows were raised and my mouth was slightly open. I gasped very quietly at his voice. I was honestly touched by his voice and the song wasn't even implying to me.

I felt like I was hearing a professional singer at some opera or something. I had my head down so I was hiding my expression. Youngjae is amazing honestly.

The way he was going from high notes to low notes so smoothly and heavenly was absolutely stunning.

Pfft..but it was nothing much..totally.

He stopped soon. "Ah sorry, I was in the moment." He smiled and got back to the cupcakes. "Oh no it's fine. You were..okay." I lied.

He turned to me, "I was..okay Minseo?" He tilt his head. "D-Don't be so cocky. You were...cool." I try playing it off.
"Just be honest. How was I?" He asked again.

"It was..uhm..it was great. You have an amazing voice, Youngjae." I nodded. He smirked, "Really?"

I glared at him. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled. "Okay stop. I'm gonna put them in the oven now." I say. He stopped and took off his oven mitts. I took the tray and stuck in the oven, set the numbers, and took off my mitts as well.

Youngjae backed up and got a clear view of me. "So. You liked my singing? Want me to sing for you again? Were you touched?" He smirked still. I rolled my eyes, "Sheesh you're so cocky, leave me alone now okay?"

I say before walking upstairs to my room.

It's been about a half an hour. I've been in my room for a while. I was on my laptop watching kdramas, when my phone rung. I reached for it and answered, it was Jackson.


"Minseo? Where have you been babe?" He asks.

I creased my eyebrows at the words babe. Hm..weird. Am I dating him? What?



"No I mean...why'd you call me babe? We aren't dating." I shake my head. I don't know. I felt weird when he said that. Usually my heart would be racing so fast I wouldn't be alive. But this was different. It was weird and I felt nothing.

"Minseo. Let's just skip all the other stuff. I know you like me. I like you too. We can date." He says plainly. I raise my eyebrows slightly. Wow, so straight-forward.

I've been wanting to date him ever since I met him. Even though this was really a turn-off honestly. I sighed.


"What's wrong?"

"Well honestly, just skipping all the other stuff seems-"

I didn't finish my sentence because I had realized something right there. My mouth opened slowly.

"Minseo? It's seems wh-"

"OH MY GOSH THE CUPCAKES!!" I shriek. I jump up from my bed, also dropping the phone in the process. I ran out of my room and ran downstairs also.

Youngjae was standing directly in front of the stairs, just a bit farther from them. But he was right where I was heading for. He saw me charging down the stairwell.

"Minseo? What's going on?"

By this time I was on the last stair.

"The cupca-!!!"

Before I could finish, I actually tripped over my own foot when I was just inches from Youngjae. I crashed on him and we both stumbled to the floor. Me on top of him. We laid there, not moving a muscle. My face was burning. We were completely still. Why?

Because Youngjae's lips were on mine.

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