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"W-Wah..? I..uhm..I just..uh- Ah! Stop it!"

She smiled and covered her face. "Stop what..?" I ask her with a smile also. We're both just smiling weirdos.

"Stop making me blush..!" Her face was still covered by her hand. I looked down to my feet.

"And while you're at it, stop making me just suddenly giggle like i've been doing that, i've never done that before and I don't like it, stop it! Also, stop making me miss you so much, and stop making my heart explode, and stop making me act all girly because it's ruining my self pride dammit!" She yelled like she was nagging me.

I nodded as she spoke. Then I chuckled. She glared at me. "Yah..what's so funny. I'm becoming cheesy because of you, Youngjae. You think this is a game?"

I continue to laugh.

Soon, she laughed along with me. "Don't worry, you make me feel the same." I say after i've calmed down my laughing.

"Good to know. Because it'd be really awkward feeling all of this by myself." She says. I laugh again. Then I take her hand. It wasn't as warm as mine. Not technically cold but not warm either.

I wrapped both of my hands around her one hand. "You don't." I say, we both look into each others eyes. It was silent for a while.

"Also being your girlfriend means we have to be close..really really close." Minseo smirks. I stare at her. Then suddenly I pull her hand so her body comes quickly closer to me. Now she's sitting on my lap.

"Oh really?!" I say as I pulled her. She laughed. Her arms wrapped around me. I held onto her tight.

"Yeah..this is more like it." She held on tighter too. Her eyes was closed and she was resting her head on my shoulder.

"Could be better.." She mumbled.

"Could be better?"



"Yep. A whole lot closer."

I laughed. This girl. She doesn't even want to control it.

She's crazy.

Then her phone rung. She took it out and it was her brother. She answered,

"Yeah hello?....I'm just at the playground.....no the playground by the- *sigh* nevermind i'll tell you later....now?....fine, whatever."

Minseo took her phone from her ear. She looked up. "Oh sheesh how long have we been talking? it's dark now." She says. I look up too. She's right.


We must've been here for hours. I haven't even noticed.

Minseo gets off from my lap. Whoa,
Never thought I'd ever have to say that. But uhm..so yeah she got off from my lap. I stood up after her. "Let's go?" I pointed behind me with my thumb.

She pouted, "I don't want you to go. Can you sleep over?"

I shook my head, "Minseo, you know what would happen if I sleep over.."


"Nooo but's. C'mon let's go."

We began walking out of the playground. I'm definitely bringing her back here. Of course i'd love for her to be apart of that place. That's where most of the things in my life happened.

Minseo's POV

So. We made it from the playground and now we're in front of my house. Time really likes to fast-forward when i'm with my boyfriend.

It's not fun.

But he's dropping me off. He has to leave first since Jaebum doesn't know anything yet. I'll only tell him when Youngjae is not my babysitter anymore. So he wouldn't have to fire him.

So, I said my goodbyes. Then made my way through the entrance. As soon as I shut the door behind me,

"We're leaving tomorrow!!" Jaebum shouted. I jumped at the sudden loud noise. I look around. Our suitcases are at the door and all our stuff is packed.

"Jaebum what the h-"

"We're going on the trip tomorrow." He smiles and say plainly. "B-But why so early?" I asked, confused.

"Do you want to go on the trip or not." He says, his tone changed to annoyed. I nodded.
"Well then." He smiles and heads for the kitchen, looking really suspicious. But heck, i'm not going to say anything.

I'm not the one paying for the trip so..

I guess we're going tomorrow.

I took out my phone to tell the boys. Youngjae had already beat me to a text. I took this time to change his name in my contacts.

Since he's my boyfriend and all.

Jae? No. Babyboy? Nah. Just weird. JaeJae? I should slap myself for that one.

Hm..oh! I got it.

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Minseo? Everything okay? I thought I heard shouting..?

Me: oh i'm fine :))

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: What's with the double chin.

Me: What? You have a thing against double chins?

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: No I-

Me: I believe double chins are unique and misunderstood. They hav a meaning u kno? A deep meaningful meaning u kno

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Minseo is everything okay?

Me: Well it's just that we're going on the trip tomorrow morning so be ready.

Me: Anyway as I was saying-

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Wait what

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: omg what do I do???

Me: Get ready u pabo

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Okay i'll do it now

Me: Okay

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Love you.

Me: Miss you.

MyLilBabyYoungjaeisJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Want you.

Me: okay we can stop there.

MyLilBabyYoungjaeIsJustSoCuteICouldJustScream: Hehe..

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