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It's the next morning. I packed all my bags and all my things. I wanted to surprise Minseo at the airport. She never told me what time she had to catch her flight for so I woke up really early.

I did it really excitedly. Even though i'd be leaving everything, can you just imagine it? Me, Minseo, our own place. No worries, nothing to break us apart.

I'd marry her, we'd have kids and grow old together.

Whoa I think i'm going to fast.

Well who cares i'm in love with her.

When I finished, I only had one big suitcase and a bag over my other shoulder. I waved goodbye to Sohee and her family. I did feel like it was a big burden of having Sohee to take care of an adult like me, but she didn't mind.

I hailed a taxi to the airport. When I sat in the backseat as the car was driving, I checked my watch. It was 6:00 am. Since they'll be traffic, I might be a little late. I'm getting really anxious.

Now it's 8:00. It seemed as though the traffic took longer than expected. But I had made it. I quickly grabbed my bag and suitcase and rushed through into the busy airport. There were people everywhere.

I had to dodge them left right and center. It was really hard due to the huge packages and suitcases rolling around. Then my phone rang, I groaned and took it out my back pocket.

I stood in the middle of the airport building. A woman's voice spoke through the intercom, announcing the flights. When I saw the contact, I smiled and I think I squealed a bit. It's Minseo!!

Of course I answered.

"Hey Baby Min! Where are you?"

"Youngjae? Wow, you sound really happy. And also, where're you? You aren't at your-"

"I'm at the airport. But I don't see you."

"Oh my- Youngjae why're you at the airport?"

"I was looking for you."

"Ok, ok! I'm on my way to find you."

The call ended. I tilted my head kind of confused. I guess i'll wait for her then. I sat at one of the many seats nearby and started daydreaming of me and Minseo's life together.

Waking up to her beautiful smile, traveling with her, shopping, doing all the things we didn't get to do as couples before. And she'd be my girlfriend again!

I smiled at the thought.

So I checked my watch. It's later. The majority of everyone has left and now the airport was kind of empty. I sat there in my seat. Is Minseo really coming?

No..I should wait for her.

Even though I didn't know it at the time, i've been waiting for this moment for 10 years. Plus I have nothing else to do so..

"Youngjae! Youngjae!" I heard a familiar voice squeak. I popped my head up. There she was, running after me while waving her hand in the air frantically.

I stood up quickly. "Minseo?"

My arms automatically spread in an opposite direction from each other and Minseo crashed into my arms. I mean, I saw her very, very recently but still. Still..

We were acting like we haven't seen each other in forever. When we released the hug, Minseo stared into my eyes excitedly.

"What happened..? You're not mad at me anymore?"

"Minseo..how could I stay mad at you. I find myself missing you all the time, really it's pointless to ignore you. So i've decided. I'm coming with you. I'm coming with you to your new town and support you for your new job!" I jumped up.

Minseo's smile disappeared. I giggled, then I slowly stopped,

"W-What I thought you'd be happy and then we'd have a moment."

"Well I kind of..kinda..thought of the same thing..? So..I told Jaebum I wasn't leaving..also saying that i'm going to quit my position and job to stay here with you specifically but..who cares right?"


I dropped my suitcase and luggage. She scratched her head, "Ah what was I supposed to do. You really should call me before you make decisions like this sheesh...look you even packed your bags.."

Minseo looked all around. It was awkward. We both stood there.

Wow. Not how I expected. I expected kissing, cheesiness, and hugs at a oblivious real life cliche moment. Hmph.

"So uh..what do we do now?"

I scratched behind my back. Minseo shrugged,

"I don't know.."

We looked around some more. Then Minseo snapped, "Oh wait! Jaebum said in the call that he was going to tell the people tomorrow evening, as in today! He said he'll do it late just in case I change my mind!" She smiled as says.

I smiled too.

"Oh! So that means you just have to call him and tell him you changed your mind!" I say excitedly.

Minseo laughed, "He said he'd do it at 1:00." She took out her phone. I was tugging at my shirt I was so happy. Minseo's expression changed when she saw her phone screen.

"YOUNGJAE IT'S 12:30!"

My expression changed too. We started running and Minseo freaked, "WE HAVE FOUR MINUTES TO GET ON THE FLIGHT BUT I NEED MY BAGS!"


"BUT- BUT-!"


I grabbed her hand and ran to where we needed to be to hop on our flight. Also, we only had minutes to call Mr. Jaebum and tell him to cancel. Life sure gets interesting with Minseo around. We luckily made it to the flight and already booked it.

Minseo immediately called Jaebum.

If he doesn't cancel, there would be no point in going back seeing as though Minseo loses her job, money, and everything she worked hard for. I don't want that to happen. Our future is on the line.

The phone dialed Jaebum's number.

First dial..

"Come on, come onnnn.."

Second dial..

"I hope he answers."


"Serious Jaebum??"

Fourth dial..

"Ohh this is the last one.."

Fifth d-

The Babysitter ✔ |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz