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"Do you think i'd like to hear him either?? Ugh! Just the thought of it makes me wanna..AH! I cannot believe you Minseo."


"That is just disgusting!! You annoy me so much and now you do this? The guy was on top of you for Coco's sake!!"
"Youngjae!!!" I shout. He stops and looks at me.

"He's just a friend. He was trying to get his hat back." I explain. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" Youngjae looked at me suspiciously.
"It doesn't even matter. You're not jealous..are you?" I tilt my head. He creased his eyebrows. "Of course not! I just..think your brother wouldn't want you having children at such a young age."

I gasp and hit him in the shoulder. "Youngjae..!"

He held onto it. "Even if he was my boyfriend, what we do is none of your business." I fold my arms. "Well technically, i'm still your babysitter. So it is part of my business." He folded his arms too. "What, you wanna watch?"

"Ew no. Gross." Youngjae looked away. I smiled. He kept giving me glances. "Aish..why're you smiling at me like that? I'm mad at you." He looked away again. I did some aeygo by using my knuckles to push up both of my cheeks. To the point where my face was squishy.

"Youngjae..? Forgive me pwease?" I say cutely. He huffed. "I pwomise that I didn't do anything R-rated with my best fwiend." I say even more cutely. Youngjae smiled and was holding in his laugh. Then he let it go by laughing hard.

I guess I laughed with him. "Ah..stop leaving me alone now. I wanna hang out." I smiled. He nodded. "What do you wanna do?" He asked. I looked around thinking. Then I smirked.

So. Me and Youngjae found ourselves downstairs, dancing to the video game Jaebum bought me for my birthday last year. I was so beating him. He sucked.

"I am so beating you!" He laughed as we danced. And he wasn't lying. Sigh.

"Just wait!"I say as I danced. I usually play alone sometimes when I wanna annoy Jaebum with it. It was fun to dance with someone else for a change. I once played with Jaebum. I'm never doing that again. I could not seem to beat him. Sheesh, is he a dance monster?

Anyways, the dance round was over. I stepped back and crashed on the couch behind me. Breathing heavily. Youngjae was still standing with the game stick in his hand. He turned around to me. "Yah..c'mon. More rounds to play." He says more like a command. I shake my head. "No..no more. I'm tired." My lazy bum said.

Youngjae sighed and rolled his eyes. He then came and sat next to me. He was sitting above my head and was looking down at me. Our eyes met. And we found ourselves staring dead at each other for a while. I don't know. That look. I could stare into his eyes forever. I mean! No. Never. I would not. It'd waste my time. Time consuming...yeah.

"Minseo can I be honest with you?" He breaks the silence suddenly. I then sat up and looked at him directly. My right leg was hanging from the couch, but my other leg was in a criss cross position. I wasn't too far from him. "Yeah sure." I scratch the top of my head.

"You're not as bad as I thought. I think we could really be friends. Like..great friends." He smiled. I raised my eyebrows. Wow. This sounds alot like Yugyeom's story with his soon-to-be-girlfriend. The word friends echoed through my head. Great friends.
"Aren't we already friends?" I ask. His looks away for a quick second, then looks at me. "I mean like, really really close." He explains.

Really really close?????

I think i'm thinking about this too hard. He just wants to be a friendly close. "What're you thinking?" He asks, squinting at me like he's trying to read my mind. "Uhm. Sure. Let's be really really close." I look up and say. Then I scoot closer to him. He raised his eyebrows at my sudden move. His face turned red. Awh.

He held his head down. "Okay, now I can see how that sounded a bit weird." He muttered. I shook my head. "No..let's do it." I shake my head. He looks up at me quickly. I close my eyes. "Not like that." I sigh. He looks around like he's thinking about it. I crease my eyebrows. "What're you thinking?" I ask him now.

I could tell he was lying. I then scooted closer to him to the point it was basically skinship. Our legs touching and our shoulders too. "Let's tell each other everything. Let's do everything together from now on. Let's be..really really close." I tell him. He looks at me with a full face of red. He gulped. Suddenly we heard the door shut.

Behind Youngjae, was Jaebum with a shocked expression on his face.

The Babysitter ✔ |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon