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I stared at him with big puppy eyes. But I was so confused. "Come. Here." He says, more demanding this time. I pointed to his lap, "Like...there? Or.." What to do?
Then Youngjae stood up. Since I didn't move from my spot when I was blocking his view from the Tv, he was really close. I didn't like that he was taller than me. Because then, i'd have to look up.

Our faces were close. And he stared into my soul. Someone help. Yugyeom. Jackson. Anybody! Jaebum??

I avoided looking into his eyes because it'd bring up thoughts I never knew I was capable of thinking of. I messed with my fingers and held my head down. "U-Um.." I stuttered.
"What're you thinking?" He asks in a low tone. Sheesh. Never seen this side of him.

"I'm thinking, why're you so close." I say, kind of annoyed. But really, I was nervous. "Are you scared of me?" He asks. I chuckle to myself. "No way." I look into his eyes. I regret it. His stare made my confidence and pride sink down 1000%.

"What're you thinking..?" I asked him back. My voice exposing my nervousness. "You sure you wanna know?" He tilt his head to the side. Uhhh..I think I left Youngjae alone for too long. Now he's gone mad.
"Well I asked, didn't I?" I shot back. He smiled. "Minseo, do you understand how easy it is to make you nervous like that. Only by staring at you? You're not as tough as you think." He said, then sat back down.

"Wha- That was all an act?!"

He nodded, paying attention to the Tv. "Now I know how to get you. Be careful, Minseo." He smirked. I grit my teeth. "You should be even more careful.." I mumble under my breath while walking away. "What's that?" He turns his head to the side a little. I stop walking. "Nothing, Youngjae." I roll my eyes. He smiles in victory. Soon i'll get him.

Me and Youngjae decided that watching Tv, was not gonna work. So much things they show now. So boring.

We decided to tell each other funny stories from our childhood. Youngjae had it easy growing up. Healthy and loving family. A sister who doesn't nag him. A best friend. Everything.

I held back a little when it was my turn to tell. My childhood wasn't the best one in the world. Frankly, i'd say it's one of the worst.

"...and we've always hung out together. But soon, me and my best friend turned to enemies. We'd hate the sight of each other and would drag each other down. We're no longer close anymore." Youngjae explains. I don't know why, but I find Youngjae's stories and life so interesting. Like I could watch a whole documentary on it.

"Mhm, keep going." I say. Youngjae glared at me. "Are you planning something..? You're making me talk alot."
I shake my head. "No, i'm serious. Go ahead." I assure him. My chin was resting on the bottom of the palm of my hand. My elbow on my lap and i'm sitting criss cross on the couch, facing Youngjae.

He sighed, "Well. Anyways, after that.."
I stared at him while he spoke. The way his lips formed when he talked interested me. How he talks with his hands sometimes. His voice. I was inspecting every single detail. Sheesh, I was even paying attention to his breathing patterns.

I never did this to anyone before. Even Yugyeom. Even though that giant baby means the world to me.
And so I didn't realize that Youngjae had been talking to me for hours, but soon, Jaebum walked though the door. I was surprised yet disappointed he showed up at that time.
He shut the door behind him.

"Why're you guys always on the couch?"

"Heeeey..Jaebuuuumm." I say with no enthusiasm and slurring my words. "Not happy to see me?" He asks. I roll my eyes. Youngjae stood up. "Everything was fine, sir." Youngjae tells him. Jaebum nodded with a smile on his face. "I'll start giving you you're payments for the week. Sundays." Jaebum nodded. Youngjae nodded too. Then he left.

I sighed. Bored again. Jaebum took off his tie and whatever. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Don't you think it's time for you to get a girlfriend?" I say suddenly. "Shouldn't you be dating at you're age?" He snap back.

"Oh I am."

"That Jackson guy doesn't count." He commented. I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. Way to ruin things Jaebum.

I sat criss cross on my bed and swiped out my phone. I was scrolling SNS. When a notification popped above. I tapped it. A text. I raised both eyebrows.

Unknown: You stared at me the whole time I was talking.
What were you thinking baby girl?

The Babysitter ✔ |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ