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Sorry guys for the delay, but since Wattpad was acting like a total piece of crap earlier, I had to redo this chapter twice. But anyways..enjoy.


 It was beautiful. Everything was shiny and bright. The light beamed on me and the other children. We were laughing and playing together as friends. It had put a smile on my face and that stayed there. We forgot all of our problems, every little thing that bothered us was no longer remembered.
It was all just perfect. But the only one I can focus on was her. My best friend.

 Her smile beamed at me as she was pulling my arm and bringing me somewhere. She looked back at me. I felt like I haven't seen her in years. Everything was perfect. Because she was there.
But suddenly, fire started to consume everything. I let go of her hand and something behind me pulled me away from her.

 The laughter turned to screams. The happiness turned to fear. It all shattered in front of my eyes. She held her hand out to me as the fire was creeping up on her, I was supposed to save her. But I was pulled away. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move. My body was unable to react. All I did was cry.
Why didn't I save her? Why'd she have to leave me? Why'd I have to leave her? Why? Why?

 "Why!!!!!" I screamed, sitting up on my bed immediately. It was in the middle of the night and also really dark in my room.

 I quickly turned on the lamp on side of me. I covered my eyes with both of my hands as tears slid down both my cheeks. I remembered the dream clearly, and memories started haunting me.

 It was just a dream..right?

 I couldn't wake up my brother, he needed his rest because all he does is work. Some of it might be my fault that he does that. I sniffed like a little child. I hated when I cried. But, I just needed someone for this moment.

 I took my phone and dialed a number. It didn't matter what I would tell him, I just needed him or someone to be there. It answered on the fourth ring.

 "Hello?" I ask.

 "M-Minseo..?" A raspy voice said over the phone. Looks like he just woke up.

 "Erm..Youngjae?" I sniffled.

 "Minseo?? What's going on? Are you crying?" His voice suddenly sounded really concerned and worried.

 "Uhm..I just had a nightmare." I rub my nose.

 "Want me to come over?"


 "I'm on my way."

 The call was over.
It didn't even take him long to come over. I had heard tapping on my window. I walked over to it and opened it. He was down on the ground. "I'm coming up." He mouthed. Then he moved and climbed the ladder.

 He had made it into my room. He looked me into my eyes. I guess he could tell I was crying. It was so embarrassing to me, but I just had to.

 "What happened..?" He asks. His voice soft and worried. Then I start crying really hard, and he wraps his arms around me. His hand on my back was going in circles. His skin warm on mine.

 "Youngjae? Can you stay?"

 "Of course..anything for you." He says. It didn't even stun me because how I felt at that time.

 Later on, I get back into my bed. Youngjae decided to do that same thing. I could see how nervous he was. But he got there anyways.

 He made sure his back was facing me, so I couldn't see him. But I was facing his back side. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach, holding him close. I could feel his heart going really fast.

 Then, he finally turned around and faced me. This time he hugged me back. His chin on my head, and my face buried into his chest. Even though I was crying, I secretly smiled to myself because Youngjae was here.

 I felt like I could count on him for everything now.


 It's morning. I woke up with Minseo in my arms. Literally. I held onto her. Did I really sleep like that?

 What happened last night came to my mind. I wonder what was going on with her. She seemed so heart broken. I watched her sleep first. She..She was holding onto me in return. I could feel my heart going faster.

 She looks so beautiful sleeping. Our faces were so close.

 I know I shouldn't be thinking of this, she might be really going through something. But still. This woman is stunning.

 Suddenly her eyes opened. I was taken aback a bit from her eyes just opening like that. She looked at me with no emotion or expression. "G-Good morning." I stutter. She sits up and I sit up after her.

 I'm sitting criss-cross and she's sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs. "Did you sleep well?" I ask.

 She nodded with a faint smile.

 "Minseo..what happened yesterday. Please tell me. Why did you ignore my messages? What were those pictures? Why did you-"

 "Youngjae, can you be all ears? I want to tell you something." She cuts me off. "Of course." I sigh. I shift in my seat a bit.

 "I'm about to tell you everything. So you can know for yourself now." She sighed. "You really don't have to.."

 "No. I want to be really close with you. So I must tell you everything now...!" She nodded.

 "Okay..go ahead."

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