10 : Okay Dad

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(Please don't expect a mind-blowing chapter. This was rushed and probably will be replaced for a better version when the whole book is edited. My apologies.)

Jason's POV

By 11PM, I had rang Y/n four times.

Four fucking times.

And each time went to voicemail.

If she had picked up and told me she was going to be home late, I wouldn't have been stressed and panicked, but every time the slow ring died out, the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach intensified, despite the fact that I had literally been ignoring her for the past 3 days.

I understood that she needed her freedom, and the last thing I wanted was to be one of those controlling boyfriends that tell their girlfriends what to do and what not. Now that Y/n and I were actually real, I wanted the relationship to be real as well, and I wanted her to feel like she didn't have to ask me to do the things she wanted to do. However, in this case, I was worried.

I had tried to convince myself to leave her be and let her enjoy herself, but eventually, the crave of closure became too much for me to handle, and I rang Alara's number, purely just to ask what time Y/n would be home.
However, when Alara informed me that Y/n had never made plans to go out on a late-night shopping trip, I realised that I had been lied to.

And I honestly didn't know how to feel about it.


Your POV

I swung my legs back and forth like a child as I sat at the bar, hardly able to sit up straight as I waited patiently for Jason to pick up the phone as it rang through my ears and made my head feel like it was buzzing. The bartender had been looking after me, keeping a close eye on my every move to make sure I wouldn't fall over and embarrass myself for the second time. He had been trying to get me to drink some water by telling me it was vodka, he had me fooled every time until I took a sip and made a dramatic scene because I had been continuously lied to.

When Jason picked up, instant nerves settled in my stomach and even in my horrible state, I knew that an argument was likely to occur in the near future. "Where are you?" He asked bluntly and without hesitation.

I swallowed the uncomfortable lump in the back of my throat. "That's no way to start a conversation." I said drowsily, but unintentionally giggled at the end of my sentence which undoubtedly gave away exactly what was going on, but Jason asked to confirm.

"Fuck, Y/n. Are you drunk?"

"No, I am not drunk!" I defended, shaking my head frantically although I knew he couldn't see me. "Just a little intoxicated, nothing to worry about."

"Oh my god." Jason muttered. "Where the hell are you, Y/n?" He snapped, panic etching it's way through the traces of anger in his voice.

"I don't know, Chris brought me to a club." I admitted blindly, letting my heavy head drop to the table. "But he's not here anymore, I don't know where he's gone." My blurry eyesight was almost completely useless as I searched for Chris through the crowds of people, and I gave up after almost a second.

"You're near Chris's village?" Jason asked, judging by the audible background noise, I could tell that he was already getting in his car.

"Maybe." I shrugged, sucking on my bottom lip. "But I could be in England, maybe Italy... I'm not quite sure... I don't remember getting on a plane."

Jason sighed heavily. "Listen to me, go to the bar and stay with someone who's sober. Do not leave the building, okay? I'm coming to get you."

"You're so bossy." I pouted, rolling my eyes.

"I'm looking out for you." He corrected.

"Well your technique is very bossy."

Another long sigh told me that Jason was losing his patience. "Whatever, Y/n. I'll be there in twenty. Don't drink anything else."

"Okay dad."


Thanks for reading

this was bad i know i know

first of all i am SO sorry for not updating but I HAVE EXCUSES

(i feel rlly bad btw)

so basically, these past few weeks have been HELL

literally the definition of HELL

i've been really ill
i've been really unmotivated to write
i've tried to write this chapter a dozen times but each time turned out to be really bad so i just deleted it

but also, my attention was drawn to a really good netflix series which i got addicted to which is partly why the update came a little late

like, i'm drinking coffee at 9pm EVERY night so i can watch loads of episodes WHICH CANT POSSIBLY BE HEALTHY.


i saw this and literally screamed

:') for once i achieved something


i am trying to update quickly

please stay with me until i pull myself together looool :(((


( now i go eat ice cream and watch netflix byeee )

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