59 : You Would've Killed Him

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Jason's POV

"Sir," a blurred hand waved in front of my face as the world finally replaced the nothingness that I had been seeing for god knows how long. "Can you hear me?"

My eyelids felt heavy, and my whole body ached with pain and exhaustion. "What..." I took a shuddering breath and squinted at the golden light of sunrise. "What happened?" I murmured, coming to my senses and realising that I was sat on the concrete outside Bella's house, and a dozen hazy figures surrounded the small area.
My head pounded intensely, and I tried to move my hand up to touch it, just to check if I had any sort of wound.

Except I couldn't.

I began to struggle in confusion, wondering why my arms were so stiff and stubborn.
But when my vision finally focused on the uniformed man standing in front of me, I figured out that my hands were cuffed.
"What the fuck?" I instantly hissed, pulling harder on the metal shackles that were binding my wrists together behind my back.

"Calm down, Sir." The officer ordered, gesturing subtly as a female cop accompanied him by his side. "We just need to ask a few questions."

"Questions?" I shot him one of my lethal glares that would send most people running. "How am I supposed to give you any answers when I don't know what the fuck is going on?"

The female officer rolled her eyes irritably.
She looked really young for a cop, but she was clearly well experienced.
He clutched a clipboard in her tanned hands and sighed before speaking.
"We need to take your name, Sir." She said, already sensing that I probably wasn't going to cooperate.

"Why am I in handcuffs?" I fired at the two of them, wincing as the throbbing in my head only seemed to increase from the amount of confusion that I was experiencing.

"We ask the questions here, not you." The female officer raised her eyebrows at me in disapproval, clearly bored.

I leant back slightly, feeling terribly uncomfortable against the gravelly concrete beneath me. "If you don't answer my questions, then I won't answer yours. Simple as that." I groaned.

The male officer let out an exasperated sigh.
"You're handcuffed because we got a call saying you were trespassing, and you attempted murder. Also that you are Jason McCann, which is yet to be proven."

"I attempted murder?" I muttered innocently. "Look at me, Will is the one who tried to fucking kill me." I snarled.

The woman nodded. "And Will is being questioned as well."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "This is pathetic, and why the fuck would any of you idiots think I'm Jason McCann?" I laughed sarcastically.

"From William's phone call, and from the way you reacted when we showed up and cuffed you," She looked at me, furrowing her eyebrows and probably noticing the confusion that was pooling in my eyes. "Do you remember what happened?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes, trying to replay the last events that I remembered.
"No, I don't." I mumbled.

She sighed again. "You were threatening us with things that only a mentally-ill person could possibly think, and you didn't stop attacking William when we walked through the door, and if the soldiers didn't manage to separate the two of you, we're certain you would've killed him."

Stupid fucking soldiers.

"He beat up my pregnant girlfriend," I began, looking up at the woman honestly. "The minimum sentence for a crime like that is five years, and the maximum is twenty-five. I want him to be punished." I growled lowly.

"We have no evide-"

"I'm telling you the goddamn truth," I spat, beginning to quiver from anger and the frustration of not being able to move or defend. "She has a black eye and I'm not going to let something like that slip. You're supposed to be cops, if you did your fucking job, there wouldn't have to be people like Jason McCann in this fucked up world."

The two officers muttered something to each other whilst eyeing me suspiciously.
After a moment, the male officer finally spoke, and I saw my future head straight down the road to a lethal injection once again.
"You match the description that the CIA have given us of Jason McCann. Three agents are on their way to confirm your identity."

My heart pounded. "This is bullshit."

"Call it what you want," The woman rolled her eyes and pushed her dark hair over her shoulder. "But no one is going anywhere until we figure out what happened last night, even if it takes us all day."

My eyes flickered over to the blinding light that was slowly rising above the trees of the neighbourhood, I sighed in a fake vulnerability. "Well what time is it?" I asked.

"Half past five in the morning." She said.

I looked back over at her, and made sure that I looked innocent and desperate. "Can I ring my girlfriend? I need to tell her that I'm alright."
I said, holding my breath.

"I'm sure she thinks you're fin-"

"No," I cut her off, shaking my head. "She worries about me when I go out, and she always waits for me to come back. And she's pregnant too. I just want to let her know that I'm okay." I mumbled, and then I thought about all the things that I could say to drive the cops away from the suspicions of my identity. "We're having a daughter," I said through gritted teeth, hating the fact that I was giving away my personal details to someone who almost had the power to ruin my life.
Almost meaning... not quite.

I wasn't going to let anyone defeat me.
Not now, not ever

"How lovely." The woman's tone was bored and uninterested. "Thought of any names?"

I shook my head. "No, we've only just found out, so it's still quite a shock." I forced a smile, hating the situation that I was in right now. "Can I please ring her?"

The woman appeared to hesitate, before glancing over at the other officer for approval.
He eventually shrugged unprofessionally.
"I don't see why not."


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