"I promise." I wrapped my chubby pinky around hers then let go. I turned to my suitcase, grabbing it by the handle. "Bye mom," I say. I walked away slowly, practically dragging my feet, towards the entrance of the airport. I turned my head back and saw my mom leaning against her car watching me. I gave her once final wave until I was engulfed by the large crowd.

I'm fine. It's fine. Everything's just fine.

My mom was right. Security, in fact, is a bitch. It felt like it had been a million years for me to finally reach my gate. My flight was in about ten minutes, so I was just waiting for my flight to be called.

"Good Morning. Would all passenger travelling to Nice, France on flight G423 please have their boarding passes and passports ready for boarding? Flight G423 is now boarding at Gate 19."

That's my cue.

I looked down at my ticket and saw 'G423' bolding on the top right corner. People began lining up behind the counter, ready to show the workers their tickets and passports.

By the time I got into the plane, I was exhaused. Thank god I was in first class -- somewhere I have never been before -- so it wasn't much of a walk.

A flight attendant bent over and greeted me then asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thank you," I reply politely.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything," she smiled as she straightened up.

I'm probably going to sleep this whole flight. I looked around and saw a bunch of people piling in going to their seats. I pulled out my phone to text my mom quickly telling her that I was now in the plane. I set down my phone and leaned back in my chair.

What am I doing here?

Not just in first class, but on this plane.

How in the world did I end up on a plane to France? Freaking France! And then from there I'm going to drive to Monaco and then I'm to find my way to Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo!

This had to be a dream. It has to be. Someone pinch me before I get attached. This is un--

"Excuse me?" I heard someone say. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to the source of the voice. There stood a really beautiful girl with long, blonde locks. "Sorry," the girl laughed softly. "That's my seat," she pointed over to the window seat next to me.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." I shot up from my chair and stepped aside so she could go to her seat. I bumped into the edge of my arm rest causing me to wince. "Sorry," I repeated. I smiled sheepishly, my face instantly turning a light shade of pink.

"It's fine," she says. She manuevers her way to her seat by the window. Once she's sitted, I sat back down.

I licked my lips then rubbed them together. I'm so embarrased. I really need to stop drowning myself into my thoughts and become more aware to my surroudings. I always zone out and I probably look dumb while doing it. God help me.

I saw something move in the corner of my eye causing me to look to my right where the girl was seated.

"Huh?" I jerk my head forward slightly.

"I said, 'Hi. I'm Clara,'" she said then tittered softly.

"Oh," I laughed. "I'm Baby."

"Baby?" her face scrunched up in confusion. "Your name's Baby?"

"Yup," I gave her a closed-lipped smile.

"Like in that movie..." she snapped her fingers as she tried to remember the name of the movie.

"Dirty Dancing," I confirmed. "Except it isn't a nickname. It's my real name. My mom had me when she was young and it was her favorite movie at the time, still is, and so she named me Baby."

"I like that. I wish my name was cooler," she said. When she said the word 'cooler,' I realized that she had an accent.

"Are you English?" I asked.

"London. Born and raised," she smiled proudly. "And you are American?" she asked jokingly.

"How can you tell?" I gasped playfully putting my hand over my chest.

"Just an inkling feeling," she shrugged her shoulders gesturing her hands up. We both laughed then sighed. "I'm not really a fan of long flights. They're complete rubbish, don't you think?"

"I haven't really been on a long flight like this. The longest I've ever been in a plane was for three hours."

"Three hours? Try twenty-four! It was well worth it though."

"Twenty-four hours?!" I exclaimed. "Where'd you go?" I asked in awe completely turning to her.

"Fiji. It was amazing," she gushed. "You have to go one day. The water is absolutely magnificent. I can show you pictures later."

"Please do. I've always wanted to go to Fiji, but y'know, it's expensive."

"Ridiculously expensive. I'm just lucky my parents could afford it."

"What do your parents do?" I asked then immediatly regretted it. "Wait, I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me. It's none of my business. I tend to ask a lot of questions and ramble," I moved my hand to my forehead. I talk too much. I'm starting to annoy myself.

"No, no ask away! We have a long flight ahead of us. It's nice to have someone to talk to," she waved her hand.

"You have me to talk to," a guy popped up from behind her chair leaning against the headrest. I flinched in surprised as I looked up at the random guy who was smiling fairly widely.

"Oh hush! I've been stuck with you this whole vacation. I'm done talking to you. Now go away," she said pushing his head back. He chuckled then sat back down in his seat. "Sorry. That's my brother. He's so annoying," she rolled her eyes.

"It's fine," I giggled.

"And to answer your question, they do something in business. I don't really care for all of that. I'm just glad they gave us money to take a vacation to the states."

"Did you like it here?" I questioned. "In the states," I added.

"Loved it. It's nice to have a little change, but now from Nice, France we're going back to Monaco where our parents are for the rest of the year."

"Hey! I'm going to Monaco too."

"See, we're already connected," she laughed. "Why are you going to Monaco?"

"It has always been a dream place of mine to visit. I saved up the money and now I'm here."

"Ooh, where are you staying? Maybe we'll be close to each other."

"That's a good question," I chuckled. "I don't really know."

"How do you not know where you're going to stay? Are you backpacking?" she tilted her head slightly.

"Kind of. I just want a spontaenous adventure once I get there."

"So you're just going to go there and then figure it out as you get there? Not even a single plan to guide yourself through?"

"Sounds about right," I chuckled.

"You're an odd girl, Baby."

"I get that a lot."



I'm excited. I hope that as the story progresses you guys will like it. Nothing has happened yet (obviously) but have faith in me! I'll try to update again very soon. It honestly just depends on how much my teachers want to drown me in work.

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote! Comments keep me going y'all.

Love you guys and thanks so much for reading!


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