*At the airport*

Thank Christ that Manny bought that lie! Isn't that a bit bad considering he's my Dad? Oh well, I'm a special agent/spy for a reason! It did shock me that he bought my lie though.

I look through the window of the plane. I stare up at the clear blue sky, is Elsa looking up at the sky like me?

*Arriving in Scotland*

So this is Scotland? It's freezing and I love it! There is unfortunately no snow, I love the winter. Winter; the smell of the fresh pinewood trees like the smell of the Elsa's shampoo, the crunch of the fresh snow under your feet Elsa's personality reminds you of just that! A fresh, inspiring personality. I love her so much, I hope she's okay...

"Name?" Security questions.

I flash my badge and security ushers me straight through the gates letting me head to the exit. I rarely show my badge but this is an urgent matter that must be attended to! I swear though, Hiccup is going to get his ass kicked if he's not careful!

*Arriving at the safe house*

I enter the house and I'm immediately greeted to Hiccup. He looks like crap, I wonder how much sleep he has been getting?

"Thank you, I need your help! I don't know where she is, I've checked her parents old estate but there was no sign of her!" Hiccup exclaims distressed.

I walk into the kitchen and brew up some coffee for myself. Hiccup follows me close behind, he is about to make himself a coffee but I stop him.

"Caffeine is not what you need, you need a couple hours sleep." I state.

"Jack, I can't! She's out there somewhere and I don't know where!" Hiccup sighs.

"You aren't going to do her any good if you're collapsing from exhaustion, are you?" I say.

"No..." Hiccup mutters.

I look at him and give him a nod. He sighs walking out the kitchen and up the marble staircase. Let's hope he does actually get some sleep, I can't have him collapsing on me whilst we are searching for her.

Merida's bedroom is completely deserted. All her clothes, gone. She has left the prepaid cell on the night stand, isn't that a sign of coming back? Someone who's not coming back would destroy it completely, seen it before. My sister did it before she left.

"Why were you in such a hurry to leave?" I mutter.

There is not one sign of struggle in this room but there is urgency. Why? What made this girl want to run off like this when she knew she wouldn't ran into danger?

*A couple hours later*

Hiccup's still sleeping. I don't want to wake him up as he's going to need as much as he can get. Honestly, I haven't slept that much myself. Ever since Elsa's capture, I have dedicated my days and nights into searching for her. I need her and I know that she needs me too, I don't want to think about what she's going through.

"I have to stop torturing myself," I sigh.

Since I've had my Mom and sister back, I've been a bit more open to my emotions. The only emotion I knew before was anger and pain. I feel changed after what happened with Manny but I know that I'm still that asshole everyone hates at the agency. Quite the reputation, eh?

"Elsa would probably kill me if she knew I was torturing myself like this," I sigh sadly.

"She would indeed."

I jump up and hold my gun, ready to shoot. Hiccup quickly drop rolls out the way with a nervous look on his face.

"Chill, Jack! It's just me," Hiccup replies nervously.

"Give a man a bit more warning next time instead of creeping up on him?" I ask annoyed.

"Sure. Anyway you should get some sleep too," Hiccup states.

I raise my brow as I watch Hiccup stand in the doorway with a strict look on his face, I laugh.

"I'm being serious," Hiccup replies.

"Dude, you look like you need to take a shit," I laugh.

After a good laugh, I take Hiccup's advice and stop in the master bedroom on the first floor. Really cozy and the bed is comfy, paradise for anyone. It isn't for me because all I can think about is the huge empty space in the bed which Elsa would most likely be sprawled out on. This makes me chuckle and I hug myself in the foetal position thinking about Elsa before drifting off.


Hi guys 😊 Look I know 1323 words isn't the highest but I'm extremely stressed out and tired, I'm lucky to have such precious time to write 😰 I have prelims in January and I want to be focused all through December and January, updating will be extremely rare 😓 If I could have this as a job, I would take it in a heartbeat 👍🏻 I hope you enjoyed the chappie ☺️



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