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After Logan left his house, Patton collapsed against the front door. He had nearly done something that he probably would've regretted: asking Logan out.

Yes. On a date.

Patton had known for sure ever since the ferris wheel that he had feelings for Logan. After spending so much time together, it wasn't much of a surprise. Patton knew he often attached himself to others quickly; he had assumed his building feelings for Logan had simply been strong feelings of friendship. However, when he had laid his head on the boy's shoulder, Patton found the truth impossible to ignore.

He had a crush on Logan.

And who wouldn't? He was smart, clever, kind, loyal, and interesting. He had everything. Sure, he wouldn't have been Patton's first instinct, but you can't exactly choose who you have feelings for.

When Logan had displayed his inner feelings and insecurities so clearly to Patton earlier that day, the boy had felt an inexplicable urge to confess. It was as though he were a little kid, forced to keep his friend's deepest secret -- except he was simultaneously the paranoid friend and the eager one. One day his heart told him to go for it, the next, his mind logiced him out of it; there was no way Logan liked him too, right? As far as Patton knew, the boy had never had a significant other -- and plus, Patton didn't even know if Logan was gay. It was just another unknown variable convincing him to keep his secret to himself.

And it was worse because he knew that Logan didn't really understand emotions. If the time came, the boy most likely would not be able to let Patton down gently; he simply wouldn't know how.

His crushes normally came and went, and Patton prayed that this one would be no different. So he decided, then and there, leaning up against his front door, that he would never tell Logan how he felt.

- - -

Patton tried to distract himself for the rest of the day and the day after. He watched movies and made food and went on walks. He realized, however, after some hours into Tuesday, that nothing he did was enough. He needed work -- like homework or class work or work work.

Patton's dad had come to him in the months prior with a cutting from the nearly-extinct newspaper. It was an ad, asking for volunteers at the local animal shelter.

Patton had always been interested in the opportunity, but never got around to signing up. However, it was at that moment that he decided to pursue some volunteer work. Not only would it be fun to work with animals, but the community service might allow him to get a leg up on his college applications.

Patton surged up from the gray couch in the living room and streaked across it to his door. Patton's room was small and cluttered, a long rectangular shape with a bed on the far left corner, a desk on the right wall, and a window on the far wall. He passed the closet to his immediate left and headed straight for his desk. He knew he had left that scrap of paper somewhere.

Luckily, the clipping was sitting under a pile of flyers in one of his drawers and Patton was able to retrieve it after only a small amount of searching. After grabbing the paper, his wallet, his keys, and his phone, Patton was out the door.

Fall was slowly transitioning to winter and the weather had gotten colder. There was a light mist in the air, even in the afternoon, most likely held in by the thick clouds. It looked like it was going to rain again soon.

Patton got into his car quickly and slammed the door. It was a little blue compact car with a tan interior, nearly as old as Patton was with a seamless reputation despite its age. Patton put the key in the ignition, checked the address of the shelter once more, and pulled out of the driveway with his mind set.

Chemistry - A Sander's Sides FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora