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My parents stayed at the house for several hours just sitting around while getting to know their grandkids, when Mama D and the rest of the family decided to make a surprise dinner visit, to celebrate JD's and Costa's wedding that was coming up in the next couple days. So I gave Criss a smooch and told asked him to answer the door, while I lay down the rules about being nice while the rest of my family was there, and not to start any arguments. But when I went out to meet up with the other half of my family and saw Stoney and Abby coming in with them I looked right at Criss as I said shit very loudly, because if there was anyone that despised my father even more than Criss, it was Klayton. He tolerated my mom, but he would kill my father just as soon as he caught a glimpse of him.

I ran up to Klayton and pulled him back out the door, and told him that he had to promise me before entering the house, that he would be on his best behavior and not try to kill the extra guests we had at the house. Klayton started out to laugh, at me, but when he looked over his sunglasses and realized that I was very serious. His smile turned into a frown and pushed around me and said rather hostily that I couldn't be fucking serious about having my no account father in this house around his niece and nephew! I was hanging on to his arm as he was dragging me like I was weightless thru the house looking for his nephew and niece as he was rubbing on his fist really wanting to kick some ass.

Criss was watching from the kitchen as he was laughing his ass off, at the sight. I looked over at him and told him he could get his giggling ass over here and help me out a little bit because it was obvious that I wasn't doing much good. Criss raised both his hands in the air and said he was total Switzerland on this one, because he didn't like my father at all either, and would really enjoy watching him kick his ass. I let go of Klayton with one hand and reminded him that our two kids were in the room with my parents, and it wouldn't be a good thing for them to see or be a part of.

Criss ran over to me and took a hold of Klayton which did manage to get him stopped, as he told him that he needed to take his rage out on him outside and away from our kids. Klayton stopped and slowly walked into the sitting room where Johnny and Angie were playing on the floor while talking with my mom, as my father was taking a few pictures of them. As soon as Johnny and Angie saw Klayton in the door, it was all over for their new grandparents, because he was the kids' favorite family member. Johnny jumped up and screeched Uncie Kwayton!!

Angela stood up and let Johnny get his lovin's first then she jumped on his back and covered him in kisses on his cheek. Klayton stood up with both of them hanging on him and he walked out being a little too prideful in showing my parents up, then Angie slid down to give the rest of them hugs and kisses, before racing off with Kyle, Caleb, Dimi, Hayley, and Kiefer and Aphelion up to her room to play, Johnny was wanting to go play but he was more interested in playing with his Uncle Klayton for a while, then maybe go upstairs and play with his cousins. At first, my parents said they would just leave until our company was gone, and come by and see them again later, but Dimitra and her loving motherly ways to them both that it was utter nonsense, that they were family too, and needed to stay for dinner. Even though Klayton, Criss, and Costa all grumbled at Mama D's request, they all knew better than to argue the matter over with her.

Kim and Rachel never met my parents before so they didn't know any of the past problems we had with them, my mom mixed with them very quickly and easily enough, but my father just didn't want to mingle with any of the guys, because they all despised him, even though JD tried to mindlessly chat with him just to make Mama D happy. Klayton wouldn't even look in their direction, but he was distracted by his nephew playing on him like a jungle jim. I told him several times to settle down and to stop pestering his uncle Klayton so much and spread his bugging with his other uncles too. But Costa and Jd were too busy laughing and watching their nephew pestering the hell out of Klayton. Criss came in and lifted his little man off of Klaytons neck and told him to go upstairs and play with his cousins for a while. Johnny pouted a little bit and as soon as Criss put him down he ran to his uncle Jd and sat in his lap for a while. Criss gave him a growling scowl but all it did was make him giggle louder, knowing that his daddy was playing with him. Then he slid out of Jd's lap, and slid onto Costa's lap, just to make all of his rounds before he went upstairs to play. 

Rachel, Kim, my mom and I were in the kitchen getting dinner ready for serving, while Mama D was getting the dishes ready to set the table with, while all the guys were talking at the table except for my father he was just sitting there texting my sister Melinda, telling her that he finally got to see her sister again, and the two grandkids, and how adorable they were. My sister was married before I ever met Criss, and had four kids of her own with the oldest one now being the same age as Dimi which was around 13 years old her name was Tanya. Then there was Lisa she was 10 years old, then she had two boys Benny that was 7 years old, and Ryker that was 3 years old. Then there was her rich and dumbass country bumpkin husband, Bryan.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now