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Melinda didn't know anything about me ever going to Las Vegas or getting involved with Criss Angel until my father took pictures of Criss and me together holding Johnny before he raced up the stairs to be with his cousins and sister. As soon as she saw who I was married to, she immediately became very jealous, for not being the best out of us, because she was always rubbing it in my face that she had a perfect and very rich and successful husband and beautiful kids, and now I outdid her 10 fold being the wife and mother of Criss Angel and our kids. And I lived in Las Vegas in a castle-like mansion and all she lived in was a somewhat large one-story ranch house on his farm.

But I didn't care about any of her rantings, I was too busy living my life with my family. My father showed me the text she sent him wanting to come and visit sometime and meet her niece and nephew, and so I could meet mine. I hugged on my hubby and said she just wanted to gripe and complain that she was no longer the better sister, and I didn't have time for her jealousy. Then I told them both that I post family pictures on my Facebook and Instagram all the time, and I couldn't help if my own family decided to block me out from their media. I jumped off my hubby's lap and ran up the stairs as soon as I heard Johnny crying. Criss and Klayton were right behind me.

When I got there Angela was holding him trying to calm him down and said we were all playing on the bed and he accidentally fell off the bed. I picked him up and checked him over real well then told them that it was time to settle down, and no more roughhousing on the bed. Then I walked back downstairs with Criss while Klayton stayed up in the room with the kids, and helped them clean up the room that they destroyed. Criss checked him out better once we got him to the kitchen counter, and said he was going to be fine, and that he thinks the fall scared him more than anything. Klayton came down with the rest of the kids and told them it was time to eat, they all went to their seats and waited quietly and patiently until they were served. Johnny sat on his daddy's lap to eat, while Angela sat in between me and Klayton Abby sat across from Klayton with their two kids on each side of her then so on down the line with Mama D sitting next to my mom, my dad was sitting with my mom on the left and Jd to his right.

Dinner was very delicious and happened to be the first real family dinner in a long time, it was rather enjoyable to finally see my parents getting along with Criss's family, even though Criss still didn't like it too much, he was such a good boy though being on his best behavior. Klayton however, was always trying to pick a fight and be an all-out awnery shithead, but I already knew how he would be, and so did the rest of the family. My parents overlooked him except for every now and then when my mom would laugh at his crazy ass. Abby tried to settle him down, but she couldn't control his ass either.

Dinner finally ended, and most of the family had to leave so they could all get ready for another day of work, and the kids needed to get to bed for school. Johnny didn't have to go to school yet, but we were already teaching him better than any school could because he was almost 3 years old now and he was already counting to 25 and he could read all of his little books that we got him, and he was coloring in his coloring books in the lines without making any mistakes...he was just like his daddy lil Mr. Professional. Criss and I both were always so proud of him, being so smart and adorable, Angela was always helping him read and count up in the bedroom while they were playing together. It was the cutest thing, Criss and I have ever witnessed when our little girl was showing Johnny how to do her homework, because he was always asking how to do this and that unlike most toddlers that just didn't have that long of an attention span, our little man had a very long attention span, and wanted to know everything.

The next week was very peaceful and quiet with all our family and friends too busy to visit, and with Angela being in school most of the day, and Criss at work all hours, it was just me and Johnny at the house, I was up taking a quick shower when I heard Johnny running thru the house hollering out to me that there was fire in the hallway. I burst out of the shower and slipped on the robe and ran down the stairs and saw that when the dogs were playing they knocked over the table that had a lit incense candle on it and set the little area rug on fire. I quickly put it out and tossed the rug in the trash, then I put the dogs outside.

 I gave my son a hug and kiss and told him that he was a very good boy, because he had my cell phone in his hand and dialed 911, I answered the phone and told them that my 2 year old noticed a fire in the house, but it wasn't large enough to cause a panic, and I managed to put it out, they told me that I had a very intelligent boy on my hands, I told them thanks then hung up on them and gave my little man another kiss on the forehead, and decided that I needed to teach him the fire escape route out of the house if any real danger ever happened.

Criss got home first and smelled the smoke from earlier that mildly lingered in the house, and watched as Johnny was leading me for the third time thru the emergency fire escape route with me being blindfolded. Because Criss and I did the same thing with Angela, she just wasn't as young when we showed her, Criss followed us very quietly and watched very impressed that our son did it without any mistakes. Then Angie's bus dropped her off and she came in and the first thing she ran upstairs and changed then she sat down at her little desk and did all of her homework while Johnny watched and learned, Criss, wrapped his arms around me and said he would cook dinner tonight, and I needed to rest because I looked wore out, as he looked around the house and noticed it was spotless from top to bottom.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now