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During our romantic dinner, Criss brought up what Klayton had told me weeks ago about Criss wanting to have another baby with me, but he brought it casually to the table, and just wanted my opinion on it, and if I ever thought about wanting another child with him. I finished my champagne and told him I was his wife, and it was my marital duty to keep my man happy, and if he wanted another baby then I would definitely try to make it happen. Criss said that was all great that I felt that way, but he said that was not what he asked. He asked me if I thought about wanting to have another child with him.

I casually slid my foot out of my slipper, and placed my foot on his inner thigh from under the table, and told him I was thinking a lot about it lately, then I added that I was thinking about trying for a son this time. Criss turned a little red as he smiled at me devilishly and leaned forward and whispered that I had a very naughty little foot, and he sexually rubbed it under the table. The waiter came by and asked if we needed anything, I said we were all good, but Criss looked at him very seriously and said we needed a bed as soon as possible. I kicked him lightly and told him to behave, and not spoil the moment, by being dirty all of a sudden. Criss snickered and said he couldn't help it, he was getting a little anxious.

I leaned back in the chair for a few minutes then I heard the music in the dance room next door. I stood up and walked around to Criss and held out my hand for him to join me, at first he thought I was ready to go back to the house, but when I walked in the other direction, he placed a big smile on his face, as I wanted to relive the times when we were dating. He thought it was adorable, and it kind of pissed him off personally for not thinking about it first. Criss and I walked onto the dancefloor and we wrapped around each other and slow danced. I had to admit I was rather rusty on it but Criss was his professional self as always and because he was such a strong leader I relearned very quickly.

Criss got tired of the slow classic songs after a few hours and whispered in my ear for us to blow this pop stand and hit 'Curves' or 'Body English' and do some real dancing. I told him I wasn't dressed for that kind of dancing but Criss had his mind made up, and he drug me to the car. Then we made a quick stop at a clothes store, and he grabbed the first sexy red dancing dress he saw, bought it and tossed it to me after we got in the car, and he told me to put it on so we could get ready to dance. I put the dress on in the car while Criss was taking turns watching me and the road. I thought it was pretty good that we've been married for almost 8 years, and we were still able to turn each other on just by looking at each other.

Criss pulled up in the Curves parking lot, and ran around the car and opened my door for me, and walked me into the club...but before our party night started, I grabbed my phone and called Klayton and asked how our baby girl was doing, Klayton handed the phone to Angela and Criss and I both talked to her for half an hour and told her to make sure she brushes her teeth, and minds what her uncle Klayton tells her to do...then we told her goodnight and that we loved her very much. After she hung up with us, I put my phone up and Criss swung me in his arm and carried me into the club, and ordered tequila and martinis. But before we drank, even though he knew I didn't really care for drinking that much, I did have a few martinis just so I could have the olives. We danced song after song fast and slow. I didn't know my body could still move that way, but he enjoyed reminding me.

We danced the night away, by the time the club closed and I was officially drunk after my fourth martini, Criss carried me out of the club and took me home. Criss didn't put me down until we made it to the bedroom. I giggled as I fell back on the bed after he put me down, and took my shoes off for me, then he sat down on the bed and pulled his boots off. Then he playfully rolled over on top of me and asked me if I was ready. I looked up at him and jokingly asked him for what as I was unbuttoning his jeans. He giggled with me and said for the ultimate penetration. After his jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped, I stopped and slid my dress off over my head and tossed it to the floor. Criss flew out of his pants, and literally ripped off his shirt and jumped back in the bed with me. Where we rekindled our relationship full throttle, it was the hottest and sweetest love ever. 

When we finished Criss was curled up around me telling me how much he really missed that. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played in his hair and told him that I missed him too. The next morning came very early and as I lay there still playing in my hunny bunny's hair, I remembered that it was only one more day until our anniversary, and I still didn't have a gift for him yet, and it was really bumming me out. Criss sat up in the bed and kissed my shoulder then laid down and kissed my belly, and trailed up to my chest and asked me what I would like to do for our anniversary tomorrow. I looked up at him in shock and jumped in his lap and kissed him deeply and said I couldn't believe he remembered this time! Criss chuckled and said he would never forget the greatest moment in his life...other than him becoming a daddy thanks to me.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now