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The next morning came around and it was a little different because I guess we all decided to sleep in this morning. I smelled the lovely smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen and I drowsily sat up and kissed Criss on the nose and told him that Klayton must be cooking his famous breakfast in his sleeping shorts again, because Abby was a great cook but she didn't do breakfasts, she was not a morning person at all. But then again neither was I until I got married and had Angie. Criss sat up in the bed as Hammie slid down his neck from the headboard and laid across his chest and rolled over on his back for Criss to rub on his tummy. After I got dressed I reached over and kissed him and told him playfully that he needed to shave, he was getting a little scraggly. Criss snickered and said he was going to wait and do the ZZ Top do. I looked at him wide-eyed and told him hell no! because I loved him, but I wasn't sleeping with a brush ape.

Criss hopped out of bed and playfully scratched his little stubbly beard on me and said he really hated shaving, that it was just a waste of his energy and time. I turned and squeezed his cheeks and told him that I loved his face when it was soft as a baby's ass, not scratchy like sandpaper and hiding his sweet face from me. Criss chuckled at that as he headed to the bathroom and told me how could he argue with that, then he pulled out his shaving stuff from the cabinet. I looked in Angie's room but her bed was already made and she was downstairs probably helping her Uncle Stoney with breakfast. I went into Abby's room to see if she was awake but I saw the bathroom door partially shut and figured she was having a bout of morning sickness. I peeked in and asked her if she was alright after she threw up one more time she shook her head yes, then stood up and grabbed her toothbrush and washed her mouth out then finished getting dressed.

Abby went straight to the plush sofa in the sitting room and turned on the television. I headed to the kitchen to see what damage those two did while creating breakfast. Klayton was standing in front of the stove with Angie tucked under one arm as he was flipping the pancakes into the air and catching it with the skillet with his free hand. I checked the sink and amazingly they were doing the cleaning of the dishes as they went along instead of leaving me a huge mess. Klayton turned off the stove and kissed Angie on the forehead and asked her to set the table and he would bring out the grub. Klayton turned around and finally noticed me in the room and he reached over and kissed me and said morning, then he carried four plates of food out at the same time and sat them down. I went to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice carton and five glasses then followed them out. I poured juice into all of them, then put the juice carton away, and asked Klayton if he would like coffee with his breakfast. He quickly shook his head yes as he sat down and hollered loudly that the grub was ready.

Abby came in and kissed her hubby on the head then sat down beside him and told him he really needed to go upstairs and get dressed. Klayton playfully growled at her and said after he ate. Angie sat down in her seat and patiently waited for everyone else to get to the table before she began eating. I sat down and looked toward the stairs and snickered as I told them Criss was always the last one to the table, but he had a good reason this time, that I asked him to shave. Moments later, my very clean and smooth hubby came down and sat in his chair and said he was ready for breakfast and to start the day. We all said our personal blessings then began to enjoy our breakfast. We didn't even get halfway done when Criss's cell went off. I shook my head no to him, but he answered it anyway and jumped up and quickly wiped his mouth off and after he hung up the phone he said he had to run to work, that his crew were having a major crisis with one of the props, and they needed his help before his show tonight.

I gave a sigh and told him fine, and he ran over to me and kissed my lips then kissed his daughter but she jumped up and said she wanted to go too, but Criss kissed her again and told her not this time, because his crew was very busy working with heavy machinery and didn't want any accidents with her. Then he rushed out the door, Klayton looked at us both and said it was all good that he was there and was a hell of a lot more fun than his Greek ass anyway. Which made Angie and me both smile. After the kitchen was cleaned again Abby said she hated being a killjoy but her back and feet were killing her and she needed to go put them up for a while. So while she was resting, Klayton Angie and I went out in the backyard to feed the dogs then do some major playing in Angie's personal playground. Until her Uncle JD came to the house and got her for her fun trip to the zoo as he promised. I knew I wouldn't see her again until later on tonight or tomorrow because when JD kidnapped her he usually took her to his house for the night. Klayton pouted after his playmate was gone and went inside and plopped on the couch beside his wife and watched t.v. for a while. I went into the kitchen and called to our cats so I could feed them after letting Spike back out...Hammie was always there first, shortly followed by Manxster...with Angie's cat Jynx dragging the tail end, because he was the laziest cat ever...if he could eat laying down he would.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now