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Sixth months went by and everything went heavenly smooth since Johnny was born, Angela was the greatest lil helper ever, and he was such a sweet and very quiet baby, except when he was laughing and giggling. Criss tried to cut his work time in half so he could spend more time with me and his kids, but Rose was putting her foot down telling him that if he kept taking so much time off, she would have to cut the contract short and put someone else in his place that would be willing to fill the theater three times a day every day except for Thursday and Sunday. Criss was in his office at Serenity on the phone with her when Angela and I walked in with his lunch and caught him right when he slammed the phone down and sent all of his paperwork flying thru the air.

I walked around and began to pick up his papers that were now all over the floor, and asked him what was wrong this time. Angela hopped in his lap and made him smile at her as he gave a troublesome sigh and said he couldn't take any more time off work, that Rose was threatening to basically fire him from the Luxor. I put his paperwork back on the table and went up behind him and rubbed his shoulders to ease his tension up a little and told him not to stress over it, that he was spending plenty of time with us, and I could always bring the kids to The Luxor to spend time with their daddy while he was working, because his job was kid friendly. Criss gave Angela a kiss on the forehead, and leaned back in the chair so his head was resting on my chest, and said his entire life all he wanted was a family, and now that he had the perfect one, he was tired of letting people tell him that he couldn't spend time with them unless he wanted to lose his job.

I moved to the side of the chair and kissed him very sweetly on the lips and told him that everything was perfect, and neither I or the kids were complaining about a thing because he spent every minute of his time off with us, then I slid on his other knee while Angela went out to play with the dogs, and told him that our family was perfect, and he didn't need to change it in any way. Criss smiled up at me as I got off his lap and walked out the door into the other room to get Johnny's evening sippy cup with warm cereal ready because he would be making his little hungry noises, I could never consider his sounds to be cries, because he hardly ever cried...he would make a few lil whimpers, but never loud or obnoxious crying.

Criss jumped out of the chair and raced me to the kitchen, to fix his mini Mindfreak his sippy cup. I got it ready as Criss went into our room where the bassinet was and scooped his lil man into his arms and carried him down to the den, and sat on the couch as he hollered at me and said our little man was ready for his baba, but I needed to hurry before he decided to suck on his fingers or toes because he was definitely staring at them like he wanted to. I came in smiling with his sippy cup with warm cereal and cleaning rag and handed them to Criss and told him it was ready. Criss elevated Johnny up just right, then he placed the bottle in front of him, and Johnny grabbed it and began to empty it pretty fast. Johnny was a very smart baby because he was only 6 months and he was already potty trained and broke off the bottle, he was now eating cereals in his sippy cup, and he started gurgling little bits of talking, and he understood what Criss and I both were telling him, he knew his name which was very rare for baby's that young, most of the time the average baby doesn't know that until it reaches around 10 to 12 months old, and our little man was only 6 months, and he already knew grammy, sissy, daddy, mommy, kitty, puppy, uncie, and auntie. 

Criss told me he was going to be a real Einstein when he got older, the only thing that Criss and I were having a little trouble breaking him on was his binky, his woobie blanket, and his stuffed bunny, he refused to go anywhere without them. Criss told me it would be alright, and that we still had plenty of time to break him from them because he was doing so good at being broke on everything else, that we should give him a little leniency on his binky and blankie, and the stuffed bunny didn't need to be broken from him, because all tiny tots had a favorite toy they liked to play with. I gave in and told him that he was right as usual, and I needed to stop pushing him so fast, that he was such a good boy, and in time he might just break himself from them.

Klayton and Abby came over with their twins and agreed that it was perfectly normal, and their two munchkins were broke from all their weanings accept their binky's. Klayton growled at her and said he's been trying to get them broke from those damned things for weeks now, but every time he takes them away Abby feels sorry for them and gives them back to them when he was gone or down in the basement working, and it would totally piss him off. Because his kids were too old to be still sucking on a fucking pacifier. 

Abby smacked him as his daughter giggled and said daddy say wordy dird, that they learned from Johnny because for some reason it was his favorite saying that he made up, and it was catchy so now instead of just Johnny saying it, Aphelion Rose and Kiefer Nicolas were also hooked on the silly word mix-up. But when Rachel and JD brought their toddler Hayley to the house, and Kim and Costa brought their two boys, Caleb and Kyle to the house, the cute saying became a little irritating very quickly.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now