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When Criss stopped the car, we were at the Luxor, I looked at him wondering what he was doing now, but I didn't say anything as we walked into the Casino together. He waved at all the people but he didn't let them change his objective, he took me straight to his theater, he turned on the lights and it was all set up for a party, or a wedding reception. I looked at my husband and wrapped my arms around his neck and told him he was the sweetest man on the planet. Our family and friends flooded in shortly, and Klayton started up the music, he remembered every song we played and burnt them on a cd, and he just popped it in and hit play.

Criss walked me to the dancefloor, where we danced to our wedding song, which was 'In My Dreams' by REO Speedwagon, then it went to Alice Cooper's 'Hell Is Living Without You'. It was like reliving all those special moments again, I had never felt so happy in my life, other than the first time I said 'I Do', and when our little girl was born. The day slowly ended, and everyone congratulated us and showered us with anniversary gifts, then we all took pictures with our family and friends...and a special portrait with just Criss, Angie, and me so we could hang it over the mantle.

Klayton picked Angie up and told us that he would take his little niece back to the house with him, so we could have our honeymoon renewed, as he devilishly chuckled, and added for us not to do anything he wouldn't do. Criss slapped him and told him to get his silly ass in the car and to take care of our little girl. No sooner than Klayton made it home with Angela, he was on the phone with Criss telling him that Abby was getting ready to have their babies now!! Criss told him to call for an ambulance to take her to the hospital and we would meet him over there.

I asked him what was going on with Klayton, and if Angie was alright, Criss looked at me and headed to the hospital, and said that Abby was getting ready to pop within the next few hours and Klayton was a nervous wreck mixed with overexcitement. As soon as we got there Klayton was still holding onto Angie pacing the floor and looking thru the window in the door. I went over and grabbed Angela that was sound asleep in his arms, and told him that we were there now and he needed to be in there with his wife. Criss asked him if he wanted him to go in with him, Klayton shook his head yes, as they walked into the room where Abby was pushing every time the doctor told her to, she felt much better when she had Criss and her husbands hands to hold onto.

It took the first baby quite a while to come out, as soon as she did though the nurses had her cleaned up and handed her to Klayton, so they could be ready for his little boy to come out next. The little boy slid out very easily, the nurses cleaned him up and handed him to Criss, and quickly put the pain medicine into Abby so she could rest for a while without any more pain. Klayton moved over to Criss and looked at his other baby and told him how beautiful they were. Then they both came out to where I was and showed them to me and Angela. Criss handed me the little boy, as he asked Klayton what he was going to name them. Angela asked if she could hold one. Klayton put her in the chair and gently placed the baby girl in her lap, then he showed her how to properly hold her little head.

Criss and I sat down on each side of Angela and reminded her to be very careful with her. Klayton held his son for the first time, then gently laid him on Angela's lap as well, then pulled out his phone wanting to take a picture of his niece holding them. Then he sat down on the floor in front of her as she asked what he was going to name them. Klayton thought about it, then he looked at his little niece and asked her what she thought their names should be. Angela smiled at him and asked him if she could name the little girl. Klayton said it was ok with him if Abby didn't mind, but beens she was out cold, and if she picked a good name for them, it would be alright. Angela gave a smile and said she wanted to name her Aphelion Rose Scott. 

Klayton gave Angie a kiss and said that was a very adorable name, and that he liked it very much. Klayton lifted his daughter up and playfully asked her what she thought of her name. Klayton then handed her to me after he kissed her on the forehead, and lifted his lil man up and asked him what he thought his name should be. Criss chuckled as he told him he didn't think he would get an answer from him anytime soon. He looked up at me and asked me what I thought. I tried to think of a cute boy name, but I couldn't think of anything. Criss asked what Abby wanted to name him. Klayton gave a sigh and said she wanted them to name him Kiefer Nicolas after her grandfather. 

Criss and I both told him at the same time that was a very cute name for him, plus if he went halfsies on the naming Abby would approve of his daughter's name. Klayton chuckled and said what the hell they were both adorable names, and they were definitely different. Klayton then took both of his kids into the room for his wife was now awake and wanting to hold them, after he handed them both to her, he came back out and told us both that we could go back and enjoy our renewed honeymoon night, and that he was sorry for messing it up for us. I gave him a kiss and told him they were family and this was much more important being there for our niece and nephew to be born. Angela asked us both if she could stay there with uncle klayton and the babies. Klayton scooped her up and told her he would need her help and it wasn't up for discussion...then he smiled at us and told us to go home and have fun.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now