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I got up and told Criss I didn't care if we did anything for our anniversary or not because just him still being in love with me was all I could ever want. Criss hopped out of bed and got dressed then kissed my neck as I was brushing my hair, and said he already something in mind for tomorrow, he just wanted to know if there was anything extra that I would like to do to celebrate our unition. I looked back at him and told him it didn't matter to me, as long as we were together, and that I was going to leave it all up to him.

I went down and decided instead of cooking a big breakfast today, I just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and split it with Criss. Criss followed me thru the house for the rest of the morning until noon came around and Klayton pulled up in the driveway to drop off Angie. Right, when Klayton came in the door Criss was on his ass, asking him why Angie wasn't in school. Klayton pulled Criss outside and told him before he signaled Angie to come out from his car...that someone got into a fight with her for being the daughter of the Satanist Mindfreak, and they called her a freak and all kinds of mean names, and she went off on them and got into a fist fight with two of the girls in her class and when she got in trouble she called him, and he went and got her and told the principal of the school to shove that school up his ass.

Klayton then waved to Angie to come to the house, she hesitated, but slowly came to the house but she kept her head down, ashamed to let her dad see her like that. Criss stopped her though and lifted her head up and saw her split lip, and her black eye. Criss knelt down and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead, then he picked her up and took her in the house and called to me asking me to bring him an ice pack. I walked in with the pack in my hand asking him what he needed it for when I saw my baby girl like that I came unglued! I gave her a hug and kiss and reached for my phone. Criss gently held the ice pack on her eye, as he swiped her hair out of her face, and tried to lighten her mood and told her next time to block with her arm, not her face. Any other 7 year old would have cried at that remark, but not Angie, she and her dad were linked on such a close connection it was incredible. Angie held up her fists to him and jokingly told him if he thought she looked bad, he should see the other two girls...because she won the fight.

Criss gave her a wide grin as he told her that was his girl, but then told her that negativity was a bad thing, and that violence and hatred should be ignored, and returned with love, and when there was no way out of it, then defend yourself. I finally got a hold of the school and I reamed that principals ass, before telling him that our daughter wasn't going back to that school. Then hung up on his ass, and sat down beside my baby girl, and asked her how she was feeling. Klayton smiled down at her then told me that his lil squirt was just fine because she was tough. I gave a sigh and asked her if she would like some ice cream to make her feel better. Angie smiled up at me and said yes, please. Klayton jumped up and followed me into the kitchen and helped dish out the ice cream for everyone.

While they were eating, I was on the phone with one of the other schools in the city, asking them if they had room for a very special young girl, because I had to take her out of her old school, due to the fact that she was Criss Angel's daughter. The lady principal listened to my story and I told her that she was almost 8 years old and very smart. She said without hesitation that Angela would be more than welcome to join this school, and the kids would be glad to have her. I thanked her then hung up and told Criss that our little girl would be going to the school on this side of Vegas, instead of all the way on the far side of the city, and this time the principal was a woman. Criss nodded his head in approval, happy that his baby girl was going to be closer to us and in a better school without discrimination because of having him for a father.

Angie finished her ice cream and took the bowls to the kitchen, then asked if she could go to her room and watch some of her cartoons, and take a nap because she wasn't feeling the greatest. Criss, Klayton, and I all gave her kisses as I followed her up the stairs and laid down with her for a while and just shared some mother-daughter time until she fell asleep. Then I came down and sat in between the two guys as they were talking about Abby and his babies that would be on the way in a couple weeks and he was so excited he couldn't hold it in.

Klayton then leaned in toward us and told us the reason Angie wasn't feeling good, was because she was afraid that he would change because he would have two kids of his own to take care of, and wouldn't want to spend time with her anymore. I looked at him and told him that he should go up and tell her differently before she had a depressional breakdown, because of other than her daddy, her uncle Klayton was her favorite person in the world to be with. Klayton shook his head in agreement, then changed the subject and asked what our anniversary plans were going to be because he would totally take Angie back to his house and look after her until we got back.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now