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That night while Criss was in the shower, I decided to give my mother a call and just get the bad news over with, and tell her that my husband was still holding a very hostile grudge on them, and they weren't wanted to welcome anywhere around him or me. My mom then started in on her crying routine and begged me to talk with him again, because it wasn't fair or right for me or Criss to keep her away from me or her grandchild. Criss came out wearing a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and asked me who I was talking with as he hopped on the bed very sexually and pulled his leg up just enough for the towel to slightly fall back. But it was his facial expression that was the emotion breaker. I laughed at him and told him how devilishly wicked he was, knowing that I was almost 7 months in the pregnancy and had major hormonal mood swings, and him teasing me wasn't nice.

Criss giggled at me and apologized as he hopped up and put his jammie bottoms on, which didn't help that much because he was damn sexy in those too. I snapped out of it and got back to my phone conversation and said it wasn't likely that Criss would change his mind, because he was extremely hard-headed, and what he says is what I do, because the last thing I want or need is a majorly pissed off Greek husband on my ass for sneaking behind his back. Criss jumped back in the bed and rolled the blankets over both of us up to our waists, and turned on the television for a little nighttime movies before bedtime, I looked over at him as he had one of his arms tucked behind his head holding himself up, then I moved my eyes down to his rippling muscles along his chest and abs then I looked down by his waist and around his belly button, Oh my husband was so sexy, and my hormones were now officially raging.

Criss looked over at me and got tired of the conversation he was partially hearing, and grabbed my phone and told my mother that she wasn't welcome then he hung up on her and tossed the phone on the chair, and reached out and told me he wanted to snuggle while he watched television. I moved over to him and laid my head on his chest, as he wrapped his arm around me, then his other hand was automatically rubbing on my baby bump. As Criss was rubbing my belly, his mind opened up and it showed him the pregnancy and delivery of his son, and when it was going to happen and that everything was going to be just fine, but he also realized that he was going to be coming out very early, he looked down at me and kissed my forehead and told me that our son was going to be coming out in a week.

I looked up at him and asked him that wasn't happening because it was still too soon for delivery, Criss kissed my nose and said he saw it all in advance and it was going to happen, then he reached over and turned off the television then turned off the lights and snuggled up with me under the blankets and whispered in my ear how happy he's gonna be when his little man finally comes out, and he can officially play with his wife again, because Lil Freakie was getting very lonely and anxious. I giggled at him and told him he was so naughty, then I told him that after little Johnny Appleseed comes out, that this little wifey was getting fixed because two kids were plenty for any family to have. Then I looked up at him and said very jokingly unless he wants to get fixed instead because with him it would be just one quick little snip, and with me, it was another surgery.

Criss moved his head away from me and said no way was he letting anyone fuck around with his plumbing, and there definitely wasn't going to be any quick little snips on him. I pulled him back to me laughing my ass off as I told him that I would never ask him to do that anyway, that I was just going to have the hysterectomy right after our son came out to take care of all of it at the same time. Criss closed his eyes and told me he really wished I wouldn't do that, just in case someday we might want to have another child someday. Because we'd never know what would come up or happen in the future. I rolled closer to him and looked down into his eyes and told him that I didn't want to be a human baby factory, then I rolled over on my back and told him it was going to take me years to get my figure back after this one, because of all the water weight has created flab where I used to have muscle and I didn't even want to get started on the damn stretch marks and surgical scars.

Criss turned to face me and wrapped both of his arms around me and said that he would help me get back into shape, and I was always beautiful, and the scars were just proof of all the love and life we had...then he showed me all of his scars again and said he loved every scar he had, because they all served a purpose and meant something to him, and so he could remember his past. I kissed his nose and told him I adored him so much as I relaxed and snuggled back down with him and fell asleep while I was playing in his hair, and he was rubbing on my tummy, humming very quietly to his song Revelation to his son, then he too finally fell into a deep and restful sleep.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now