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Klayton told her to stop spoiling his fun, then he pouted a little bit but gave me another kiss then he slid off my lap and rolled over on the floor and asked me how I've been doing. I stood up and gave my bestie a big hug and told her that I really missed her, then I told Klayton that I was doing great living and loving every moment with my hubby and little girl. Klayton jumped up and asked me where his little niece was that he hasn't seen her since she was a tiny tot and now she was a big girl of 7 years old. But Criss came in carrying all their luggage and dropped it off in one of the many spare bedrooms then came in and told Klayton that he'd have to wait because his little princess was taking her nap.

Abby gave Criss a formal hug and told him she was happy to see his silly ass too. Criss gave her a smooch on the cheek, and changed the subject and asked her what the huge surprise was, that she wanted to tell us in person, that just wasn't good enough to say over the phone. Abby went over to Klayton and laid down in front of him on the floor and snuggled up to him and told both of us that she was pregnant. Klayton wrapped his arm around her and gave her a kiss on her neck, as he told us both that he was finally going to be a daddy. Criss and I both congratulated them both, then in unison, we asked them how far along she was. Abby gave a little stretch and said she was almost 3 months in, then she added how happy she was that her morning sickness moments didn't last very long. But her cravings were something else altogether. 

I smiled at her and told her I remembered that all too well, but then I hugged my honey and told her it was so worth it, all the happiness it gives afterward. Criss spoke up and asked if they knew what they were going to have a boy or a girl. Abby smiled at us both and said looked up at Klayton then said they were going to have one of each. Criss looked down at me and nuzzled me and playfully asked me when I was going to give him another baby. I squeezed his cheeks and told him that I already had two kids to take care of, seven dogs, and three cats, and not to mention an entire household, then I told him that I didn't have enough time to take care of another baby right now. Criss grumbled as he plopped in the recliner and stuck out his bottom lip at me.

I giggled as I asked Abby if she had to deal with Klayton doing that to her, as I pointed to my pouting hubby. Abby chuckled at Criss's face expressions and told me not at all, that when her hubby pouted he usually was a Mr. Pissy pants...and wanted to argue the point over with a little colorful metaphor. Klayton gave a stretch on the floor where he found it quite comfortable, but jumped up and said he was worn out from the long ass flight and was going to go crash for a while, then he asked Abby if she was going to join him. Abby shook her head yes, as Klayton added if they slept in to just holler for them when dinner was ready, and he'd definitely be down for he loved my cooking.

Criss pulled me into him and asked very cornily if I would like to take a little nap with him...I tried to pull away from him and told him not hardly because I knew what was on his crazy ass mind, and I wasn't in the mood to fool around, even though taking a nap sounded very nice at that moment. Then I gave a slight sigh and told him if he promised to behave I would go up and take a short nap with him, because I had to be back downstairs and in the kitchen making dinner in about an hour or so, because I didn't like having too late of a dinner, because it wasn't healthy sleeping right after eating. Criss entwined his fingers with mine and kissed me a few dozen times and said he promised he'd be a very good boy.

I went up the stairs with him and laid down in the bed where we both were instantly welcomed by Hammie and Manx. We both gave them a few love scratches, then Criss shut the door and hopped in bed next to me and snuggled up with me, but under much personal restraint he kept his word and remained a good boy and we just took our hour and a half nap. When I woke up, my hunny bunny was wrapped around me like a burrito tortilla and snoring ever so lightly. I kissed his nose then I slid out from under him and headed downstairs, but stopped just long enough to check on Angie first, but she was still sound asleep with Jynx curled up under her arm. Then I went down as quietly as possible started to prepare a nice dinner for everyone.

Abby walked thru the house twenty minutes later and asked me if I could use some help because she was all rested up and wouldn't mind helping me out. I told her it was fine that I could manage, but with her stubbornness, I finally gave in and let her help me out a little bit. Once we finished the cooking, Angie came down into the kitchen and grabbed her a juicebox from the fridge and asked me if I wanted her to set the table. I handed her the plates and told her she was such a good girl after she sat the plates down at each chair, she raced back in and grabbed the silverware out of the drawer. Abby and I carried the food in and sat it on the table, then I went in and brought in some glasses and poured some iced tea in each glass...then I went to the bottom of the stairs and hollered for the guys to wake up and come down for dinner.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now