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Criss knew about JD's and Lynn's divorce but hasn't seen him since before then, and this was our first time seeing his new girlfriend, and this time Costa brought his fiance along, and it would be mine and our daughters first meeting with her as well, Criss met her a couple times already while he was at work. Costa's fiance's name was Kimberly, she seemed very nice, but Angie was always leery around meeting new ladies, for some reason it was so much easier for her to get used to men then it was ladies. Neither Criss nor I understood it at all. JD's new girlfriend held out her hand to us after she put the dessert in Criss's hand and said her name was Rachel.

I welcomed them into the house and asked them to make themselves comfortable, Criss put the desserts on the counter in the kitchen as he hollered into the living room asking everyone if they would like a drink. I went into the kitchen and told him that he knew what his brothers wanted because it was 3:30 which was beer-thirty as they called it. So I went to the fridge and pulled out two MGD longnecks and handed them to my two brother-in-laws. Angie looked at the bottles and tried to ask but I stopped her and told her not a chance that she wasn't tasting that until she was at least 17 years old or older. Then I put her over my shoulder and took her to the kitchen and handed her a grape Ni-Hi from the fridge and told her she could put her lips around that bottle. Angela giggled as she went back to the fridge and grabbed an orange Sunkist from the fridge and took it to her grammie knowing it was her favorite soda. Then perched herself in between her and her uncle JD.

Rachel and Kim both asked for some iced tea, so I poured a couple glasses and carried them both out to them then I found my hubby and sat on his lap as he drank on his beer. He looked at me and playfully offered me a swig, but I told him he knows I don't drink. Criss snickered in my ear and said he knew that, but it still didn't hurt to offer, just in case, I might change my mind. After we shared a long and loving family talk to catch up on all that we've missed in each other's lives for the last couple months, Angie was getting so sleepy she was forcing herself to keep her little peepers open, but in the end she lost and was sound asleep with her head laying on JD's lap.

I slowly stood up and took a stretch after sitting on Criss's lap so long I could imagine how dead his legs were. I went over to our lil sleeping princess and carried her upstairs to her bedroom, Jynx was already resting peacefully while purring gently. I laid her down and tucked her in then I kissed her on the forehead, then I slid out the door and closed it behind me so none of the racket from downstairs would wake her. I didn't make it down the stairs when my cell phone went off in my back pocket, I answered it and it was Klayton, he was laughing his ass off as he told me he just called to say he loved me, and that they were at the airport waiting for one of us to come get them, unless they wanted them to call a cab to drop them off. I told him to hang on just for a second, then I moved the phone away from me and hollered for Criss to come here.

Criss rushed to me and jokingly said he heard his baby calling, I smiled at him and asked him if he wanted to go pick up his blood brother from the airport, or should they just get a cab to come drop them off here. Criss gave me a smooch and went for the front door and said he was off like a dirty shirt. I giggled to myself and told Klayton that Criss was on his way to get them, then I added that I couldn't wait to see them, that I have missed both of them so much. Klayton said ditto honey, then we both hung up at the same time. Mom met me at the bottom of the stairs and said she hated not staying for dinner, but she had to get home so she could take a short nap before her doctor's appointment.

I gave her a hug and told her I loved her and that we would see her later, Costa gave me a kiss and said he had to get going too because Kim had to work and he was stuck babysitting her 4-year-old son Seth. I told them all goodbye, and I would talk and see them later. JD added before he left the house to make sure I told his little niece that he loved her and would come pick her up tomorrow afternoon and take her to the zoo like he promised. I gave him another hug as I told him that I didn't need to remind her because that's all she's been talking about all evening after lunch. JD smiled back at me and gave me one final wave, then they all left the driveway.

I barely made it back into the house and just got seated, when I heard the door burst open and running feet tromping thru the house, I knew it was Klayton searching for me but I was too tired to get out of the chair and I knew he would eventually locate me...and he did, He hollered loudly at me and ran and jumped in my lap and gave me a huge kiss right on the lips, and told me how much he missed his girlfriend. I laughed at him as I asked him where his wife and my bestie was at, Klayton blew raspberries at me and said he wasted her, so he could spend more time with me. Just then Abby came into the room and slapped him across his head and told him no cheating on her when she was in eyeshot of his crazy ass.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now