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When I woke up the next morning my Crissy cuddly bear was already gone to work and all the dogs were laying in the bed with me with Hammie and Manxster laying on my tummy keeping me warm. I heard a lot of noise coming from the kitchen and my little girl came running thru the house and came into the room holding a plate of breakfast for me, I reached out my arms to her as she put the plate on the table, and I scooped her up in my arms and asked her how my little Angel baby was doing this morning, as I put kisses all over her face. She giggled and said that Aunt Abby and Uncle Klayton came over an cooked breakfast.

I looked at it and said it looked scrumptious, then she ran out the door followed by all the dogs and hollered back at me if I wanted some juice. I smiled to myself and told her I would love some, by the time I finished breakfast Klayton came up with my orange juice saying that Angela lost her train of thought and was outside trying to feed all the dogs as they were jumping all over her wanting her to play with them. I smiled at him and thanked him for the juice, then he grabbed the empty plate and said not to worry that he was going to clean his messy kitchen. Just as he was walking out of the bedroom, when we all heard Abby hollering at Angela to get into the house, then she hollered up at me and said my parents were parked across the road and staring at Angela.

I got out of the bed and put my shoes on and went downstairs and told Angela to come inside and play with the dogs...then I walked outside with Klayton following right behind me while Abby was holding onto her babies trying to rock them both to sleep for their nap. I walked down to the road and across the street and told them they weren't supposed to be there. My mom got out of the car and gave me a hug then she looked down at my belly and said with a slight gasp that I was pregnant again!! I followed her eyes and said yes I was and I was happy about it, then before she could ask I told her it was a little boy, and his name was going to be Johnny Crisstopher. Then I told her he wasn't due for another week. Klayton came out and put his arm around me and told my parents they needed to leave, because Criss told him to make sure they didn't come around, and if they did to call the cops on them and have a restraining order put on them. My mom got back in the car and said with a few tears that she just wanted to see her baby girl again and to be apart of her grandbaby's life.

Klayton walked me back to the house and told them to shove off before Criss came home from work, and he wouldn't say that they were there, but if they came back a second time all bets were off. Abby was now laying on the sofa since she got her babies to sleep in their little traveling twin bassinet that Klayton created for them. I looked for Angela, but she was in the secured privacy fenced in backyard playing with the dogs. I decided a nice warm bath sounded nice so I slowly walked up the stairs only to have a shocking pain hit me in my belly, and I buckled over and almost lost my footing, but Klayton was right there before I could fall down the stairs.

He carried me down the rest of the stairs and hollered at Abby to call 911 that I needed to get to the hospital asap! Angela heard the commotion in the house, and went in and shut the doggie door, so they couldn't get in the way and asked her aunt what was wrong with her mommy. Abby put her in her arms and gave her a kiss and told her that I was going to be just fine and that she needed to stay with her and help with her little niece and nephew, that her Uncle Klayton was going to help me. The Emt's made it to the house and Klayton helped me into the ambulance then as they were driving me to the hospital, I was clenching onto his hand with a death grip, as he was calling Criss so he could tell him what was going on, but Criss called him first. Klayton said hello, and Criss said he was at the hospital waiting for them to get there because he knew his baby was on his way.

Klayton hung up the phone and chuckled to himself and asked how in the hell does that little bastard do that. I slightly smiled in between my pains and told him that my husband was just an amazing guy...then I squeezed his hand and added just like he was an amazing guy. Klayton gave me a smile and reached down and kissed me tenderly on the lips and said I always knew how to make a guy feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I knew he was trying to keep my mind off the pain, even though they were getting stronger by the minute. The Ambulance finally pulled up to the emergency entrance and three nurses with a wheelchair were waiting for me along with my hunny bunny.

He had his hand in mine instantly as they wheeled me into the room where they were getting ready for my delivery. Criss told me that it was going to be fine, and the baby would come out ok with no complications. Klayton came in the room as well and held onto my other hand while waiting on the main doctor to come in and help with the delivery. the contractions were very close together now and the doctor put his hands in and told me to push when I needed to, and within only 5 hours the doctor was holding our son in his arms handing the scissors to Criss so he could cut the cord. The doctor handed the baby to the nurse and she went to clean him off, then she wrapped him in a soft white blanket, and handed him to Criss. Criss looked down at his son with such pride and happiness that they all seen a few tears metastasize from his eyes as he held him up high, then he slowly handed him to me and said how proud he was of me and how adorable our little man was. I looked at him and Klayton and began to cry tears of pure emotional happiness.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now