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Our honeymoon night was extremely passionate and very endurant. It was like starting all over again, with the fires we both shared when we first got together. It was so amazing, I never wanted it to end, but when it did, Criss was snuggled around me, as I asked him if I was still good for him. Criss sleepily chuckled as he told me in between his lil smooches on my neck, that each time with me was like the first time, and I was always surprising him with new emotions every time we shared each other. It didn't take long for my silly hunny bunny to fall asleep, but I was too lost in the emotions of all day, that I couldn't sleep. Criss still loved me, my worries were over. Abby would be back to her active self now that she finally got rid of all that weight from carrying the twins, and would be wanting to hang out with me more. 

 Four months after our anniversary Rachel and Kim both still thought it was the most adorable and romantic anniversary present ever what Criss thought of doing for me. They both asked me when they came over to visit with JD and Costa, what my anniversary gift to Criss was. I looked down, but before I could answer, Criss came down and slid in under me and kissed my neck and said the only gift he wanted from me, was my love because he had everything else already. I smiled at him as I leaned back on him while he was finding more and more interesting parts on my neck to kiss as he asked where Klayton was with our daughter this time. I stopped him long enough to hand him a rolled up piece of paper and told him that Angela wasn't with Klayton today, she was with her grandma for the day.

Criss wrapped his arms around me as he opened the paper up, and a black and lime binky fell out of it. At first, he thought it was some kind of joke, having one of Angela's binky's from when she was a toddler, but he looked at it again and on the handle was the words Daddy's boy. Criss rolled the binky in his hand a few times, then looked up at me and asked if it was a gift for Klayton to give to his son. I smiled as a little giggle came out of me and told him not at all and that it was a gift for him to give to his son when it was time. Criss stood up but couldn't find the words to say, he gave the binky a squeeze as he started to cry a little bit, and chokingly asked me when.

I gave him a hug and told him that I was exactly 3 months pregnant and that I would have told him right when I found out that I was, but I wanted to make sure it was going to be a boy first. Rachel and Kim both looked at me and said they couldn't even tell that I was pregnant at all. Criss still couldn't believe what I was doing for him...he reached out for me and pulled me into his lap and just held me close to him and kissed me all over telling me how happy I made him, and how good I was to him all the time, even when he was at his worst, I was always at my best. I turned to face him to give him a kiss, then I asked him what he wanted to name his lil man that was on the way in 5 or so more months. Criss wiped his happy tears away and looked at his two brothers, and said if it was alright with me, he would like to name his son after his dad and call him Johnny. 

I leaned toward him and kissed his nose and told him that was a very good name for him. Then I told him that Johnny's middle name would be Crisstopher after his daddy. Criss smiled at me and said it was the perfect name for our son to be. JD and Costa both congratulated us both, then they said they had to head back to the Luxor to see how the business is doing. Rachel and Kim both asked me if I told Angela yet, and how we thought she was going to handle it. I surprised them and told them that I already told her, and that's why she is with her grandma because I knew Mama D could explain it better to where Angela would understand, and not be hurt, sad, or jealous of the baby. After they all left, and Mama D came to the house and just let Angela out and left back to her house instead of coming in to chat. Angela slowly walked into the house and silently went upstairs to her room without talking to either of us.

I held on to Criss's hand and told him that we needed to let her know that just because we were having a baby didn't mean we didn't love her. Because she was our first baby, and we loved her very much and nothing could ever take or replace that love. Criss shook his head in agreement and stood up with me, then we both headed up to her room where she was sitting on her bed rubbing on Jynx. We both went in and sat down on each side of her and told her how it was, and that she didn't need to be worried about anything, then Criss pulled her up in his lap, and told her that her mommy and daddy were going to need her help taking care of him and when he got a little bigger to keep him out of trouble, because she was going to be his big sister and mommy and daddy might not be there every second and without her, he might get hurt or scared and he would need her. Angela looked up at Criss and said she promised that she would be there to help take care of her lil brother, so nothing ever happened to him. Criss smiled at her as he kissed her on the forehead and told her what a good girl she was. I pulled out a Onesie that I bought a few weeks ago and handed it to Angela and told her it was going to be her first gift to her lil brother when he came. She looked at it and read what it said...I luv my big sister and under it was a picture of her printed on it.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now