Alona wasn't certain, but she could've sworn he glanced at her as he walked past her. 

"Well you see, I have a plan, and this young lady is going to be my leverage." He laughed. "She is going to witness the changing of the future." 

Nik watched as Mr. Werner tapped on the screen. 

"It's ready!" Mr. Werner jumped up from his seat and began running around to several different computers. 

"Time to get into position." Kozlov said as he walked over to Alona, "Time to go."

Kozlov released the restraint around her waist and ankles then made her stand. She kicked at him, trying to get away. Kozlov grabbed her by the arm then punched her jaw again. He let her fall onto the cold concrete. Without her hands to catch her fall, she slammed into the concrete. Her head was spinning again. 

He lifted her and carried her to the square platform in the middle of the room. He let her body collapse onto the platform. She spat blood onto the platform.

"Nik. Join me. Together we can rule over the Humans and the Volkov." Kozlov smiled, his arms stretched out wide as he walked towards Nik.  

Nik stared at him blankly. Alona tried to sit up, but without her hands it was difficult. She lifted her head, watching Nik approach Kozlov.

Nik smiled then stretched out his arms to Kozlov, they embraced one another. Alona managing to sit up, her arms still bound behind her, stared into Nik's solid black eyes.

They pulled back Nik still had his arms on Kozlov's shoulders, he smiled then, he slammed his forehead into Kozlov's head. 

Alona jumped, stunned by the sudden action. Kozlov groaned in pain and stumbled backwards. His forehead was bleeding.

Mr. Werner yelled from behind Nik, "No! Sir!"

Kozlov shook his head, dazed. 

Nik trudged forward as Kozlov reached for his pistol. Nik swiftly grabbed Kozlov's gun as he aimed it at him. Before Nik could take it away from him Kozlov fired, the bullet lodged in his shoulder. 

Alona gasped, "Nik!" She struggled to free herself from the chair. 

Nik acted as though the bullet didn't faze him. He jerked the pistol from Kozlov's grasp and threw it across the room. 

The door opened and in ran Feliks and several of Drew's men. 

Nik grabbed Kozlov by the throat and lifted him into the air. Kozlov's eyes grew wide as he realized what was happening. He clawed at Nik's hands as they squeezed his throat.

Mr. Werner grabbed a knife from a tabletop and ran at Nik. Feliks raised his rifle and shot Mr. Werner, his body flew backwards and landed limply on the ground, he was dead. 

Nik snarled at Kozlov, "You will not hurt us again," Kozlov clawed at Nik's hand. With a final squeeze, Kozlov's throat was crushed, the sound of his bones cracking echoed through the room. Alona watched his limp body collapse onto the ground. 

"Hey there, darling." Feliks smirked at Alona. 

Alona released a breath. Tears began streaming down her face again as she realized they had saved her.

They finally got Alona out of her restraints, "We have to get to Arlo and the others. There are massive hordes of the diseased in the rooms of the castle, and that blast could have released them. We need to get out of here as soon as possible."

Feliks nodded and handed Alona a pistol, "Hank headed up with several men to get them, but you're right, we do need to get out of here, now."

Nik walked up behind him, his hand covered in his own blood from where he had been holding his shoulder, "Water coming."

"What?" Alona asked confused.

"The water, its receding back underground. Kozlov found an opening in the cave, he blew it open as a last resort. Within a day or two, this entire place will be underwater." Feliks explained, "The Rebel City is already flooding. We sent word to the Bath House, and as of right now, evacuations are underway."

Alona couldn't believe it, they were going onto the surface. But first, they needed to get out of this castle.

She heard whirring behind her. Turning around, she saw the time machine was still turned on.

Feliks approached the control panel where Mr. Werner had previously been, "How do you turn this thing off?'

Alona stared at the platform, it glowed blue and white. She could go home. She could have her old life back. It was feet away from her. In a matter of moments, she would be back at her dorm, studying for finals. 

She thought of Meg and Devon. She hadn't thought of them in awhile. They would be so happy to see her. They would be happy to see her safe.

But what would she tell them? That she was sent into the future? That she was kidnapped by the science club? That Mr. Werner was dead? 

No one would believe her, the story was too complicated.

She lifted her pistol and emptied the clip into the control panel. The platform's pulsating white and blue light faded. Feliks jumped back away from the control panel, shocked by the sudden gunfire. 

She knew she had to destroy it if she didn't someone else might use it, and there was no telling what they would use it for.     

"Well, that's one way to shut it off." Feliks said surprised. Nik and Feliks stared at Alona as she stood motionlessly, her arm dropped back down to her side, pistol in hand.

Alona glanced back at the platform. She felt regret; her heart began to hurt. 

She felt her old life completely fade away.

There was no going back now.


They made their way outside, killing the diseased as they moved through the castle. Alona was surprised at how beautiful the castle was compared to the Rebel City. She remembered the long hall where she had been sentenced to death and the King's chambers from when she had been at the castle before, but she had been too afraid and confused to admire how amazing the castle was. 

They exited the castle through the front doors. Outside there were a few stray diseased people, but none of them were a major threat. Feliks wouldn't allow her, or anyone, to go up to help Hank. He said it was too risky, which she understood.

They waited by the ship. Alona tried to slow her heart rate by taking deep breathes as she paced outside the ship. Nik was digging out the bullet in his shoulder with a knife, he wasn't even wincing, which made Alona extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey. Can you stop pacing? You're driving me crazy." Feliks yelled at her. In all honestly Alona thought Feliks was already crazy, but she obliged. She glanced back at him and nodded. Her feet were aching, as were her shoulder and jaw. 

She sat on a boulder facing the castle, while she fiddled with one of her throwing knives. 

Images of the hundreds of diseased citizens flashed through her mind. She shivered at the thought. 

Drew's pilot, Jerr, approached her, with her bag, "I grabbed this from the other ship before it left for the evacs." He sat down beside her.

"Thanks." She said, surprised by kindness.

She unzipped the side pocket and pulled out her pictures. She smiled as she found the very first picture she took of Arlo. She had caught him by surprise. She studied the picture, his golden eyes seemed brighter due to the flash.

"They're coming back. Don't worry." Jerr said as patted her shoulder. She smiled at him.

Then he returned inside the ship. 

She hoped he was right. Just in case, she said a silent prayer that they would make it back safely. 



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