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I sincerely hope you guys enjoyed this book, and the ending didn't make you hate me too much XD Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading and voting and just being so gorgeous and supportive in general. I love you guys too too much for it! Don't hesitate to comment- even if it's been like five years since this was posted lol- I'll still read it and reply because it's so humbling and I'm very grateful. This is my first ever book, and personally I think the reception is amazing. Also, feel free to message me anytime you like- even if you're shy- we can be like that together <3 It makes my day when I get a DM from a reader and/or fellow writer!

I also got a few comments saying a they want a sequel to this book. So it's in the works; I've got a story line and stuff ready, just need to write out the chapters :)

So, for one last time, on this book at least...

See ya xxx

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