Chapter Five

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~Y/N P.O.V~

I quickly stand up, watching as a boy with his hood up beats up the man. But then, I realise he isn't a random boy. He's wearing an all too familiar Dr Pepper t-shirt, under his partly unzipped jacket.

"Allow it bro, I'm sorry alright?" the man whimpers, crawling backwards.

"Well fuck off before I actually kill you," Josh threatens. Why is he doing this for me?

"Ok, ok. Sorry man," he apologises again, before running off down a side street. Josh watches until he's out of sight, before walking over to me.

"Thank you so much Josh," I cry, the emotion all pouring out. Josh's eyes go wide, obviously not use to situations like this.

"Um, it's ok," he nods. I wipe my face before wrapping my arms around him for a hug. He's very taken a-back by my action and awkwardly pats me on the back a couple of times.

"Look you're welcome, just know this doesn't make us friends or anything. It was for Simon, ok?" he says harshly, returning back to the normal Josh.

"Ok, sure. But why would it be for Simon?" I question. Is he implying what I think?! Either way he definitely knows something I don't.

"Oh, yeah. I... Fuck," he says under his breath. "Gotta go." Josh sprints off, back in the direction I assume he came from. I wait for a minute to take in everything that just happened, before running to my house.

"You ok love?" my neighbour calls, as she loads boxes into her car. She's moving house tonight and another family are moving in, my mum says it's only three people- like us. A mum, a dad and a son, who is apparently my age. [A/N: I know Simon has two brothers, but I haven't put them in for story purposes- I want Simon and Y/N both to be single children.]

"Yeah fine thanks," I reply, unlocking the door and entering my house.

I feel as if I just need to spill my feelings to someone, but there's no one here and I can't tell Lee seen as he's probably still mad at me. I could text Lily or Joe, but they wouldn't understand, they'd just listen. I sigh, picking up my phone and doing what I'd normally do in problematic situations. Ask Siri.

"Siri, what should I do to get my feelings out my system," I say in a monotone voice. But of course he still gets it wrong.

"I heard, Siri what should I do to get my wifi back our my system?" my phones says in an American, robotic accent. 

"What the fuck, no. Siri. WHAT. SHOULD. I. DO. TO. GET. MY. FEELINGS. OUT. MY. SYSTEM," I repeat slowly and loudly. Finally he gets it right and takes me to an advice website on the internet. It says a lot of people recently have been writing blogs, or filming YouTube videos, to get rid of stress and to show their feelings.

I've kinda always like the idea of starting YouTube, but I've always been too awkward and not known what to say, in the past. But maybe this time will be different? Even if I don't actually upload the video, it might help me to just vent to the camera.

I decide on that idea, setting up a camera and some lighting equipment. It's a good job I'm doing a Media GCSE, seen as I wouldn't have bought all of this if I wasn't. I point the camera at my desk, where I'll be sitting, before I hear my phone ding.

I'm about to ignore the message, but I just retweeted something on twitter, [A/N: :)] so Lee would know I was online. I sigh and press the call button on his contact name. 'Mah Bez'... Is he still mah bez?

"Y/N?" his voice is raspy like he's been crying.

"Lee," I reply softly.

"Oh my god, I've been so fucking worried about you. I was trying to find you, but I couldn't and when I came into class Josh was telling Simon about what happened, and obviously I sit in front of them, so I heard everything. Are you ok?" he rambles. I can hear constant footsteps in the background while he's talking, so I think he's pacing. That means he's really panicking.

"Lee, are you still mad at me?" I worry 

"Of course not, we're fine. Now are you fucking alright?" he repeats.

"Yeah I'm ok, I just wouldn't be if we weren't friends," I begin to cry down the phone.

"Aw I love you Y/N. I'm so sorry about what happened and what I said, I was just angry. I didn't mean it," he promises.

"Neither did I, I love you too Lee!"

A/N: Heyy. So yay, Y/N and Lee made up :) I'm sorry about not updating as often as I did before, I've been really stressed with this music GCSE my teacher wants me to do. I have no idea how she expects me to learn/write a whole new piece on guitar or piano by 5th June... Kill me, ugh.

Anyway, hope someone enjoyed :)

See ya x

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