Chapter Six

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~Y/N P.O.V~

Even though I'm feeling better after talking to Lee, I still wanna film this video. Maybe I could help other people, like me before, with what I've got to vent about. If it could even help one person, the whole point would be achieved.

I fix my hair, sitting down on the chair at my desk and hitting record.

{Time skip}

I finally click upload, after editing for about an hour, and I'm really happy I did it. A couple of hours have flown past since I arrived home. My parents should finish work sometime soon and my neighbour should've already moved out. I look out the window and see her car isn't there anymore, along with the boxes and her cheesy 'Home, sweet home!' door sign, meaning she's probably gone for good.

I think about who's moving in and whether I might know the boy. Whoever it is anyway, I hope he's friendly as our windows are about a metre apart. I tried climbing into my neighbours house once, she was very startled to see me hanging through her window. As were my parents. I wasn't being naughty or anything, I just felt like saying hi. [A/N: True story...]

A car pulling into next doors driveway snaps me out of my gaze. Who I suppose is the mum, gets out the car and starts taking boxes out the boot. I have nothing to do right now, so I run downstairs to offer my help.

"Hey nice to meet you," I smile, outstretching my arm. "I'm from next door."

"Oh hello, Y/N is it?" she replies, shaking my hand. "I'm Mrs Minter, lovely to meet you too!" 

Minter? As in... Surely not. But how would she know my name if I don't know her son?

"Um, I saw you and thought you could use some help getting those boxes inside?" I say, dismissing my thoughts.

"Oh that would be a big help, thank you very much dear," she answers happily, handing me a box.

After a short while, we're both finished unloading the car.

"So, I've been told a lot about you," Mrs Minter breaks the silence.

"Oh really, who by?" I ask back.

"My son, you're friends with Simon right?" she questions, furrowing her eyebrows. I really hope this is a nightmare, but I know it's not. Simon Minter is moving in. Next door. To me. ME.

"Oh yeah, I guess we're friends," I state, although it sounds like more of a question.

"Simon just talks about you all the time, you two must be close," she assumes. Are we talking about the same Simon here? I know he flirts with me sometimes, but I never thought he was being serious. Maybe this situation isn't so bad after all.

"Aw that's sweet," I grin. "Does Simon say we're close?" I know I'm just using this opportunity to get information, don't judge me.

"He definitely likes you a lot," she chuckles. "I can see why, you're very friendly and as beautiful as he describes."

"Wow thank you," I beam blushing. Did he really describe me as beautiful? "Sorry to leave all of a sudden, but I should be getting home. I'm cooking dinner."

"And you can cook too! You'd make an excellent girlfriend for our Si," she smiles. "Well go on then, bye dear."

"Thank you, goodbye."

That actually feels surreal. Simon's own mum just said he talks about me loads and I'd make a perfect girlfriend for him. Oh my fucking god. 

I place a pot on the stove, my mouth still slightly parted in shock. After quickly throwing some vegetables and pasta into the pan, I check the video I uploaded. 50 views and 24 likes already, pretty good. I look through the comments as well, it's mostly people sympathising and empathising with me, including a few telling me it's a great video. Although there is still the odd hate comments (and 7 dislikes) including: 'God she's annoying', 'probs not even real stories or feelings' and 'ugley fukin bich'. They don't get to me though, the last one can't even spell for gods sake. Although I know it would really get to some people. Why can't they just leave it and do nothing...

A/N: So that ending was because my friend is getting a lot of hate on her YouTube. I was gonna plug it for her, but she asked me not to. She's been really affected, that much that she wants to stop making videos. Obviously I told her not to and that she shouldn't listen to any of the hate, but she's still really upset. If you want, leave a nice comment for her and I'll make sure to get her to look. It'll really make her day :)

Hope someone enjoyed :)

See ya x

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