Chapter Seventeen

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[A/N: Guys, I'm sorry. I've tried to do every chapter- bar a few occasions- ending with 'nothing', as that's the title of the book. However I'm seriously running out of ideas of how to use it, so I'm just gonna stop. I might put it in every now and then- and obviously the big finalé- but not in every chapter anymore. It's probably not even a big deal, but it feels like fucking 'Draw Phil Naked' again or something to me XD]

~Y/N P.O.V~

"Mum? Dad? Anyone home?" I call out, after opening the door. I sigh, mumbling to myself, "Of course not." I wish I could've just stayed in Simon's, but I doubt I'd get much sleep. I decide to go straight to bed, as there's nothing really to stay up for, and I'll need the rest for the presumable long day tomorrow.

{Time skip- arriving at school the next day}

"Y/N oh my god, you never text me about 'what happened' yesterday," Lee quotes, rushing over to me. I notice Simon looking at me through the corner of my eye, causing me to smile to myself. 

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was kinda caught up with something," I mumble, now a clear smile on my face appearing. 

"With Simon then?" Lee sighs.

"Maybe," I reply, trying to lighten his mood by badly winking.

"So what did you wanna text me about?" he questions, shaking his head at me and laughing lightly. The smile's instantly wiped off my face. 

"Well, um, you know how I asked if you knew where Josh was?" I begin, rubbing my neck awkwardly. 

"Yes," he edges on.

"It was, well, because Josh, he kissed me and it just didn't feel right. I ran upstairs and Simon sent me a note, which I read aloud, about how he basically likes me and Josh heard. Then Josh ran out and I haven't seen him since," I blurt out, accidentally letting a few tears slip. Lee pulls me into a hug, even though I bet he's glad Josh is gone. 

"Well you've had an eventful weekend then," Lee jokes.

I let out a sad laugh at his comment, before hearing the bell ring. Here we go.

\\First period- English//

"You ok?" Simon whispers, as we continue with our Shakespeare project.

"Yeah, I guess. What about you?" I reply, unintentionally brushing my hand against his. We both blush, looking up at each other.

"Yeah fine," he answers, getting back to researching. What's happening? It's like we've started all over again.

\\Second period- Maths//

Simon sits across the room in this class- which I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing anymore. Of course I love him, so I'd wanna sit next to him, but I don't know- it just felt so awkward before.

As the lesson ends, Simon walks past- cringing- before knocking my books on to the floor.

"Prick," I say loud enough for others to hear, though secretly grinning to myself. I think we're gonna be ok...?

\\Third period- French//

"Um, je puis aller aux toilettes, s'il vous plaît?" [A/N: That's 'can I go the toilet please' for anyone who doesn't do French :) I'm sure you can guess the others.] I ask my French teacher.

"Oui," she nods, handing me a hall pass.

"Merci!" I reply, taking the laminated paper and walking out the room. [A/N: Is my school the only one with actual hall passes??] As I'm leaving, I hear JJ do an impression of me, causing everyone in his proximity to snigger. I look back at Simon, seeing an angry glint in his darkened eyes, but he sticks to the plan and laughs along with his friend.


I walk past Simon and JJ, glancing over at them. It's killing me not to go and talk to Simon, but I restrain myself. He runs his fingers through his hair, making me weak just watching. I swear he's just trying to tempt me now.

"What do you think you're looking at?" JJ says aggressively. I feel like I'm getting more cocky towards him, now that I know Simon won't let him hurt me.

"A dickhead obviously," I scoff, rolling my eyes. He grits his teeth in anger, however Simon stands behind him, trying to stifle a laugh.

"I swear to god, I'm going to fucking-" JJ starts, before he's interrupted.

"Leave it Jide," Simon warns.

"No I will not leave it! She's pissing me off, she even text me the other day," JJ argues.

"I was asking if you knew where Josh fucking was!" I yell, people are starting to stare now. "Some best friend you are."

"That's it," he says, grabbing my shoulders and pinning me up against the lockers behind me. "Fucking speak to me like that again and I'll break your neck!"

I try to wriggle out of his grasp, but he's refusing to let go. I feel a stab of pain jolt through my body, as I see JJ consecutively kneeing me in the stomach. Though all I could think about was Simon. He's not doing anything. He's just standing there and watching. I though he said he said he'd never let anyone hurt me?

A/N: Omfg, Drama Alert- Ksi's back! I'm actually gassed for his next video!!!! And anyone that was hating on him- FUCK YOU :))

Anyways XD, hope someone enjoyed :)

See ya x

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