Chapter Twelve

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~Y/N P.O.V~

I pull away, but Josh leans back in for another.

"Josh, stop!" I shout, harshly pushing him off me. "I'm sorry but I just can't."

"What?!" he demands, sounding angry, confused and hurt. "Why?!"

"I-I'm s-sorry," I stutter. I remember him telling me, and I quote 'I was angry. It doesn't end well.' I'm scared he's gonna do something to me, especially when we're alone. I decide the best thing to do is, run upstairs.

"Y/N wait!" he calls. "I'm sorry."

But I don't go back down, not yet.

I can see Simon in his bedroom through the open windows. I smile slightly and wave, but he just turns around as if he's disappointed with me or something.

"Why is everyone being so weird?" I rant aloud.

I'm jump scared, as a rock hits the floor next to my feet. I realise Simon through it with another note on. Is this really how we're going to communicate? Through a rock...

I read the note out loud, although quite quietly. It says:

Y/N do you really like Josh?

I saw you and him go in your house together and I went to knock  so we  could talk, but I saw you and him kissing.

I know I've been sort of a dick to you sometimes, but I guess it must just be how I am?

I just thought we had something...

Maybe I was wrong?

- Simon.

My heart shatters as I read the note. He thinks I like Josh instead of him, as I'm pretty sure he's figured out who I have a crush on. I hear a soft creak behind me and notice Josh standing on the stairs. Did he hear everything?! He runs away at an extremely fast pace, not giving me the time to catch him, or send back a reply. Though I feel almost glued to the floor. It's one of those situations were you should move, but your feet just don't cooperate. I look back to Simon's window, to see it's shut, so I begin running after Josh.

I rush down the stairs and see the front door, left wide open- obviously meaning Josh has left the house. I groan, grabbing my keys and a jacket, before locking the door behind me and running outside. 

"Josh!" I yell, eyes brimming with tears- not only from the situation, but from the bitter cold wind smashing against my face. "Josh?! Please!"

I keep calling out for him, for what must be at least twenty minutes, before giving up and hoping he comes back. I walk home, however I stop outside Simon's house. Maybe if I can't fix things with Josh, right now, I can with Simon? I gently knock on the door, rubbing my hands together to generate some heat. It's fucking freezing out here.

"Oh my word, come in from the cold dear!" Mrs Minter exclaims. "What are you doing out so late?"

"Oh um, Josh just ran out my house and I've been trying to find him," I reply, stepping inside.

"Josh? As in Joshua Bradley?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows. I nod, relaxing a bit more as the heat of the house warms me up. "Is he your friend too? I know he comes round to ours a lot to see Simon."

"...Yeah, we're friends," I answer. I already said Simon was my friend, when I thought he kinda  hated me, I might as well say Josh is too- makes things easier to explain I guess.

"Oh ok. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't come here to chat with me, would you like me to get Simon?" she asks, obviously smiling at the thought of us.

"I do love talking with you Mrs Minter, but yes please," I compliment, smiling back at her.

"Simon you've got company dear!"

I hear thuds coming down the stairs, then the door opens, revealing Simon with bloodshot eyes. He doesn't look at me straight away and says "If it's Josh, tell him to fu- oh Y/N."

"Hi," I clear my throat, trying to look as happy as possible- to lighten the mood between us and so we don't worry his mum.

"Well, I'll leave you both to it," his mum says, almost pacing out the room. I get why, the atmosphere is extremely awkward. 

"So," he continues.

"Simon, I came here because..." I hesitate. I'm about to admit my feelings, without Lee doing it for me, but I stop. I can't. I can't do it. "Um, Josh ran away and I thought you'd probably have his number."

"Oh," Simon utters. The word echoes round my head, oh. It's like he's disappointed.

"Ok, here," he passes me his phone, with his contact list open. [A/N: Trusting AF] I see my name in there, remembering our first note exchange. My contact is set as 'Y/N xx ;)'. I giggle to myself slightly.

"What's so funny?" Simon demands.

"My contact name," I answer. "It's cute." I can't believe I just said that.

He blushes a dark shad of red, obviously not meaning for me to see that. 

"Did I just witness Simon Minter blush?!" I exhale dramatically.

"Whatever," he mutters. 

I click on Josh's contact and press the call button, holding the phone to my ear. It rings, and rings, and rings, but no answer. I pass the phone back to Simon, frowning and shaking my head sadly.

"So do you like Josh?" he asks, pocketing his phone.

"Um, no. I like someone else," I mumble, my heart skipping beats.

Simon pauses for a minute in deep thought, before saying "Who?"

My voice feels so lost. I stand there trying to choke out my words. But, again, what comes out? Nothing...

A/N: Oh my god, four chapters in a row! Hopefully make it five tomorrow morning :D I'm on a fucking roll and I love it. I'm pretty shocked though as well- four chapters in a row and I'm still writing my music piece. Felling productive, though I'm shitting myself for these exams. Any other teenager in England (and possibly other countries, but I don't know your exam weeks- srry) knows my pain of exam week... ARGHHHH!!!

Hope someone enjoyed :)

See ya x

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