Chapter Thirty-eight

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[A/N: Shouts to @-AnotherBasketCase- !! Thank you very much for reading, commenting, etc <33 If you haven't already, please check out the art and other books on that account! It's genuinely some amazing stuff :D

Anyways, are you guys ready for le finale?! I don't even think am I! But here we go...]

~Y/N P.O.V~

We arrive at the airport, an achey feeling in the pit of my stomach. I went and said goodbye to Lee, Ethan- seen as he was at Lee's house- and Josh personally, then I phoned Tobi- who mentioned he'd tell all the others about me. The main part of my speech to them all was about how I'd never forget them, which I know is true. I tried to keep it together but, especially with Lee, I burst into tears. It was truly a beautiful goodbye, possibly the best I could've gotten- even though I wish I didn't have to have one at all. Although, to my dismay, Simon wasn't home- nor would he answer my calls. Maybe he changed his mind about us, decided to move on as early as possible?

I throw myself onto one of the chairs in the seating area, checking over everything in my hand luggage. Then my other baggage. Then the activities list. Then a random magazine. I'm literaally doing anything I can to get my mind off this whole thing.

All of a sudden, a pair of hands clamp over my eyes, "Guess who!"

"Si!" I shout happily, gaining a lot of attention from around the room, but nevertheless standing up and jumping into his arms anyway. "I thought you changed your mind about us or something."

"Impossible," he shakes his head, pressing our foreheads together. "I love you way too much for that."

"I love you too, probably more than's healthy," I giggle, pecking his lips.

He sits with me for a while; discussing how we'll keep in contact, how fun it'll be in Australia, how I can come visit whenever is possible- and the same for him.

"Y/N, I know Australia's way more glamorous than England, but you can always come visit. I'll never be too busy, especially for you."

We continue talking for what must be an hour, before my parents come back over. Unusually, my mum notices Simon and smiles, before trying to take my dad over to the other side of the area. But he pulls back.

"Simon, mate, I know we've never seen eye to eye. And I know that's my fault, not yours. But son, can we part on good terms?" my dad asks, glancing over at me humbly.

Simon sighs, grinning from ear to ear, "That's good with me, sir."

"Steve to you," he nudges Simon. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter, I'm grateful."

"It's been my pleasure, Steve," Simon nods, putting his arm round my shoulders. I flit between the two boys, staring lovingly.

This is what I've always dreamed for, the two most important men in my life to get along. Though it's almost ironic now. Why is it my dad is actually supportive towards my boyfriend the day I have to leave him?

"Ding dong. Flight One Zero Three, to Australia, now boarding," a soft voice rings over the tannoy.

"I guess this is goodbye," I bite down hard on my lip, but the attempt to stop myself crying is futile. Tears freely flow down my cheeks, waterfalls dripping off my chin.

"But not forever," Simon's voice cracks, his eyes welling up too.

"I love you Simon, and I don't think I'll ever be able to stop loving you," I admit, reaching my hand up to his face. I want to feel him, one last time for a long while.

"Y/N, I know I'll never stop loving you. I knew that the moment we met," he also confesses, placing his hand over mine. Our voice are both filled with so much intensity and sadness, yet love. With pure, undeniable, inseparable, love, for each other.

Many other people would just give up in this situation. It splits the relationships that will last forever, and the ones that would've inevitably broken anyway. Simon and I, we stick together. Maybe that phrase is just a metaphor now, but it's still apparent in our lives. We're not only soulmates, but best friends. He's there when I need him, even for the simplest of things- and of course, vice-versa. Now, it might have to be over text, but we'll still be there for each other.


However, in all honesty, sometimes we find things out the hard way.

And I did.

Nothing, lasts forever.


La fin...

El fin...

Das ende...


το τέλος...


Just to put it a few ways:

The end...]

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