Chapter Twenty-one

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~Y/N P.O.V~

Eventually the bell rings, everyone piling out of class. I swing my bag over my shoulder, quickening my pace to get out of school. I just want to go and get talking to JJ over and done with, so I can see Lee after. He probably won't answer, but it's worth a try. As I walk past an empty classroom, someone grabs my hand and pulls me inside. I can already guess who it is.

"What do you want Simon? I need to get going," I exhale, rolling my eyes slightly.

My breath hitches as he pushes me against the door, causing it to slam shut behind us.

"You look so hot when you're mad," he smirks, speaking close to my ear.

"S-Simon," I start, before he cuts me off.

"Don't tell me you need to leave," he whispers, nibbling my earlobe. I moan softly, but remind myself not to let this go any further right now. "You make me so horny."

I bite my lip, placing my hands on his chest.

"Fuck, don't do that," he exclaims, grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head.

"What? This," I bite my lip again, all of a sudden feeling something touch my thigh. Shit.

"Look what you've done," he inhales sharply, as I glance down at his erection. "Now it's my turn."

He removes one of his hands, leaving just the one holding both of mine against the door. He runs his hand down my frame, putting goosebumps all over me. Agonisingly slowly, he reaches my inner thigh, rubbing circles around the area.
"Si," I groan, feeling a rising sexual need for him. I shouldn't of let this happen. I'm gonna be late for JJ and we're 'pleasuring' each other in a school.
Simon continues though, moving his hand to the outside of my underwear, pressing one finger upwards and virtually inside of me. It doesn't go in fully, but it's enough to make me moan extremely loudly.

Suddenly, the speaker goes off in the classroom we're in, saying "Y/N Y/L/N and Simon Minter, report to the principals office. Now!"

"For fucks sake," I whine, pulling away from Simon. "Cameras."

"Fuck, what am I meant to do about, you know?" He asks, referring to his boner.

"You've got a waistband, use it," I reply, walking out of the classroom. This is not how I was expecting my evening to go.

We arrive at the office, gulping before stepping in.
"You wanted to see us sir," I begin, my heart pounding out of my chest. I've got a perfect record, which is most certainly going to be ruined now. I don't even care about maintaining it, it's just my parents that are adamant it's how I'll succeed.

"Now, but quite frankly Y/N, I wish I hadn't a few minutes ago," he explains.

"Really sir? I thought it was good enough to be your source of porn for the day," Simon smirks. I look over at him, my eyes wide. I forgot he's a 'bad boy'.

The teacher shakes his head, stating "It was inappropriate behaviour, especially for a learning environment and there will be consequences."

"As in..." I edge on, just wanting to find out sooner than later.

"Immediate suspension," he replies, making me groan. "And I'm calling both your parents."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, thinking of the overall outcomes. My parents come in, they find out, they never let me go out again- meaning I'll hardly see Simon- I'll loose the one I love, my life is ruined. Wonderful. Not only that, but his family liking me will be history.

Simon turns to me, starring into my eyes. I can see the regret spreading across his face.
"Sir, it was nothing to do with Y/N," he speaks up. "I practically forced her. They were all my actions, she shouldn't be punished."

My mouth drops open a bit as he speaks. He's trying to take the blow for me, by making excuses that could get him into even more trouble. God, I love him so much.

"Don't lie to me Mr. Minter, I was watching it all," he retaliates. Simon rolls his eyes, groaning in response. I lean over and squeeze his hand, mouthing a thank you and receiving a nod back.

The headmaster looks at us sternly, starting to dial a number.

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