Chapter Ten

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~Y/N P.O.V~

Lee looks at me and sees the embarrassment in my eyes, giving me an empathetic look.

"Sorry to cut this wonderful encounter short, but we need to go. Don't we Y/N?" Lee smiles sarcastically at Simon, grabbing on to my hand.

"Oh um, yeah. I guess so," I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, we do. Bye Simon," he sings, overly cheerful to the point where it becomes sarcasm.

"Wait, Y/N," Simon stops us. "Can we please talk about what just happened?"

"Yes, but not right now," Lee answers for me. I raise my eyebrows at him, but he only tilts his head in response.

"Ok, when?" Simon questions, not giving me any chance of getting out of it.

"Tonight," I say, before Lee can speak again. "Call me at like ten?"

"Sure. Well bye then," he half-smiles. For the 'school bully', he's a nice guy.


Simon walks back to his house, while Lee and I walk in the opposite direction- to my car.

"You're welcome," Lee says, nudging me.

"For what?!" I burst out laughing.

"Getting you longer to think about what you're gonna say to Simon, which will hopefully end in you not liking him," he mutters the last part.

"Why do you hate Simon so much," I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Because he is a bully and has been since the beginning of secondary school, whether you think so or not," Lee claims.

"But he's different around me," I add. 

"Y/N, I've seen him play with girls like this before. He makes them think he's nice, then dumps them when he's got what he wants. I just don't trust him anymore," he almost yells. "Especially with my best friend!"

I smile giving Lee a quick hug, but I can't help thinking if what he's saying is true. What is he is playing with me, and doesn't really feel anything towards me? I shake off my thoughts, as Lee and I get in my car. Naturally it's me driving, since it is my car. He grabs my aux cable and plugs in his phone, turning on some music. I put the car in gear and begin driving, singing along to Lee's playlist, when I realise I don't even know where I'm going.

"Where are we even going, Lee?" I say suspiciously.

"You'll see," he smirks. "I'll give you directions."

"Ok?" I say, slightly nervous but still excited. "I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda scared right now!"

"Oh you should be," he whispers.

"What?!" I freak out, giggling a bit.

"Nothing, nothing. It'll be fun, just trust me and take a right here!"

{Time skip- to arriving}

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I exclaim, putting my hand on my forehead. 

"Nope," Lee chuckles, putting his hand on my shoulder.

When he tells me we've arrived, I look out the window to see... A nightclub. FUCK MY LIFE.

"I'm not going in there! Plus we're only sixteen, don't you have to be eighteen?" [A/N: Genuinely didn't know how to spell 'eighteen' *Grimace face*. The first time autocorrect's ever come in handy XD] I decide.

"Yeah, but they'll never know. Watch," he says, pulling me out the car and over to the entrance. A bouncer stood outside, with a rope attached to two poles, blocking the door.

"Can I see some I.D?" the man narrows his eyes at us.

"Oh my god Y/N! I told you we'd forgotten something!" Lee shrieks dramatically. "We left them in our dorms at Uni."

"You guys go to Uni?" the bouncer asks.

"Yeah," Lee answers. "Wow, we're pretty stupid for nineteen year olds."

"Haha," the man laughs along. "Ok you two go in, have fun."


We walk into the club, utter shock plastered on my face. I can't believe we actually got in! I don't know if Lee's a good manipulator, or they really need a new bouncer. Probably the second one...

"See, told you we'd get in," Lee shouts over the music, a smug look on his face.

"How'd he believe that?!" I shout back, almost amused by the situation. 

"You just gotta talk the talk girl," Lee laughs. "You've got a lot to learn my friend."

I go to the bar, as I know I'll need at least one shot to get on the dance floor. [A/N: AGAIN, DRINK  RESPONSIBLY KIDS!] Lee shakes his head giggling at me, before going to dance without me. I watch as some guy comes up behind him and they start to dance together. Ah I love my GBF.

"I didn't know you came to places like this," a voice says from behind me, scaring the life out of me. They laugh lightly, as I spin round. Josh.

"I don't normally, Lee practically dragged me here," I giggle.

"Who the hell is Lee?!" he exclaims, looking very confused.

"Oh my god Josh, he's been in your class since you started secondary school!" I shake my head, laughing. He's drunk as fuck!

"I go to school?" he mumbles to himself, before slurring at the bartender. "Two more shots please. And they're not both for me this time." He moves one towards me and downs the other.

"Go on then!" he encourages.

I pick up the glass and wash the clear liquid straight down my throat. It burns for a second, however it leaves a warm feeling in my insides.

"Dance with me," Josh demands.

"You're, SO, drunk! Who did you come here with?" I question.

"Josh..." he snorts, causing me to erupt with laughter too.

"Stay with me and we'll drive back together, yeah?" I sigh. "Are you going to your house or someone else's?"

He bites his lip, saying nothing...

A/N: I'm realising how much speech is actually in these chapters! Really sorry if you don't like that :( Also, you're welcome @josieisntjumping- Lee is gay. I want a GBF too, so I decided to have one in the book. Yay.

Hope  someone enjoyed :)

See ya x

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