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Chapter 1

"Wake up Avery, you're going to be late" my mom, Tanya called from downstairs. I was so tired after staying up past midnight working on homework. "Avery Marie Jones, did you hear me?" she asked.

"Yes mom, I'm up!" I called back. I got up and grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom. I let my blonde hair out of the messy bun it had been in and hopped in the shower.

Did I mention I absolutely hate Mondays?

After I was done showering I quickly got dressed in a black hoodie and some jeans and before I ran downstairs, I took a quick look at my hair in the mirror luckily my hair dried in beach waves. "Hi sweetie, are you ready to go?" My mom asked. I just nodded and headed to the car. It was just me and my mom at home. I never really knew my dad. I've only seen pictures of him. He passed away when I was 3. I didn't have many memories of him.

My mom doesn't always take me to school. It was only because I was running late today. Most of the time I get a ride with my best friend, Elkie. We have been best friends for as long as I can remember.

My mom pulled up to my school. "By Ave! Have a good day!" My mom yelled as she drove away. My mom and Elkie were the only ones who called me Ave.

I walked into the front door of Valley High. It was a pretty big school. I remember when I was a freshmen I got lost quite a bit. Now that I'm a senior I'm used to it. "Ave!" I turned around to see Elkie running up to me. "Hey Elkie" I said with a smile. "Ave, don't be mad that I'm asking but, what's wrong?" I hated when people asked me what was wrong most of the time there isn't anything wrong. "Elkie nothing's wrong I'm just not off to a good start today" I told her.

"Hey Avery" I turned to see a very tall Bentley staring at me. Bentley was one of my really good friends. He was like my brother he was always over at my house. My mom loved him.
"Hey Bentley" Me and Elkie both said at the same time. We looked at each other weirdly after that. "I'm not gonna lie" Bentley spoke "but that was pretty cool" he said grinning.

"So.. I was thinking that you and Elkie would wanna come to the party with me on Friday?" Bentley asked. I don't know why he bothered. They both knew I wasn't much of a social bug. "I don't know.." I laughed "Parties aren't really my thing" I said softly.

"Oh come on Avery it will be fun and me and Elkie will be right by your side the whole entire time!" He said with a reassuring smile. "Yeah Ave, come on you never do anything fun" Elkie said. "Excuse me for not being good at talking to people" I told her.

"Do not tell me Avery Jones is afraid of parties?" He said. "I'm not its just.." Bentley interrupted me "then you will be there" Bentley said smiling at me. He had a pretty convincing smile. I can't Believe what I'm about to say. "Alright fine I'll be there!" I yelled at him. The bell rang and we all walked our own ways to class.

I can't believe I agreed to go to the party on Friday. At least ill be doing something fun though. Right?

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now