| Your Nicknames For Them |

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🔥 N A T S U 🔥
- Flame Brain
- Fire boy
- Looser
- You only use nicknames to tease him

❄️ G R A Y ❄️
- Icey
- Cold Stuff
- Smexy
- You'd call him hot but his an ice Mage

💙 J E L L A L 💙
- Hero
- Lover
- Perfect
- You constantly remind him it wasn't his fault

🦁 L O K E 🦁
- Leo
- Lion Boy
- Lokes
- You used to call him Playboy but it triggers you now

⚡️ L A X U S ⚡️
- Lightning
- Flash
- Idiot
- He hates you calling him by nicknames but always answers

🔧 G A J E E L 🔧
- Iron
- Tsundere
- Dragon
- You call him nicknames to see him snap that he doesn't like them but always answer sometimes forgetting to say STOP

🌟 S T I N G 🌟
- Flash Bang
- Light Of My Life
- Hotty
- He likes when you call him nicknames and he always seems low key flustered

🌑 R O G U E 🌑
- My love
- Shadow
- Innocent
- Fluff Ball
- You avoid shadow unless his with Sting just in case

🌨 L Y O N 🌨
- Snowy
- Not Gray
- Overlord
- Coldy~
- You tease the Underworld out of him!

Fairy Tail Preferences  | Male VersionWhere stories live. Discover now