2065, August 25

18 2 0

Next thing I knew was that we had arrived at a safe bunker. Nobody said anything, the only sound was the sound of silence, it felt terrible. Jay silently carried my Father to a comfortable place and started to search the bunker for medical supplies. Jay opened a cabnet and found, rubbing alcohol, bandages, and antibiotics. Jay took the rubbing alcohol and carefully poured some onto the bandage, then he rubbed some of it on my Father's wound, then he carefully placed the bandage on his wound. It seemed as if time was moving slower, with my Father, lying on a table, unconcious. It seemed impossible, a young, average girl, was watching her father slowly dying. I started to remember before the disease. In 4th grade I had broken my knee from biking with my friends when I crashed into the curb and my bike did a front flip into the concrete, while it launched me off and I landed on my knee on the concrete. Then I remembered all the good times I had with my father, like when he taught me how to ride my bike, or when he used to carry me on his shoulders, and when he used to read stories to me before bed, and when we went to England for vacation. But that was all gone now, gone forever. "Are you okay? Jay asked, "you seem depressed.". "No, I'm okay" I lied. "Hey Archer, could you get me my knife out of my backpack?" Jay asked. "Why?" Archer questioned. "I need to cut some fabric for a bandage." Jay answered. Then Archer walked over to the corner on the room and unzipped the small backpack and pulled out a sharp, but small knife and handed it to Jay. Jay started to cut some fabric, but then my father started to wake up. We hurried over to my Father, started to cough loudly. my face was frozen with horror when I heard his raspy coughs "He must have gotten radioactive dust in his wound!" Jay panicked. Jay quickly cut the bandage on my Father's wound in half, and poured cold water on his wound. "Don't let your Uncle have your journal!" my Father warned. But it was too late, he was going to die soon...

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