2065, August 23

27 1 0

After a long silence, Archer stood up and slowly rubbed his eyes. "Is she awake?" Archer asked in a tired voice, "Yes." Jay responded quietly. Then my Father stood up from his chair and left the room. Then in about 10 minutes, my Father entered the room holding a bowl that was steaming hot. Then he carefully placed it on a  nightstand by the bed. Then I turned my head to look what was inside the bowl, it looked like there was broth with chicken and noodles floating on top of the broth. "Ok, eat up." My Father said. I began to pick up the bowl and the small silver spoon. Then, as I started to bring the soup to my lips, a radio sitting in the corner of the room, started to broadcast a man's voice. "Everybody in Idaho needs to find a shelter or evacuate in the next 5 minutes, Idaho is about to be nuked." The man on the radio said. "We gotta get out of here!" Jay exclaimed in a voice of panic. "Were do we go?!" I questioned. "i don't k-" My Father stuttered then a large siren started screeching out a terrible, scary sound. "Hurry! We've got to get to the basement!" Jay screamed over the sirens. We ran towards the stairs, grabbing anything we could on the way to the stairs. It was about to hit, the loud, terrible, horrifying, squeal drowned out the sirens, then, a few seconds after, it happened, a blasting noise filled the air. Tears started leaking from my eyes, we decided to look outside after the blast. I poked my head over the concrete wall connected to the stairs, the whole house was destroyed, there were small embers slowly falling to the ground. We could see were the nuke had hit, because a huge, grey, cloud of dust in the shape of explosion had been about 10 miles away from the basement we hid in. My face felt hot with tears. Then everything went black again...

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