2065, August 18

57 5 0

"Do you remember me?" The male voice asked. "W-w-who are you?" I stuttered. "here's a hint: i'm your relative." He replied. "Where am I?" I asked. "You are at the hospital."  He replied. "Wait, the hospital..." I whispered to myself then I realized, i'm in a morgue "LET ME OUT!!!" I screamed struggling to break the ropes wrapped around me, then out of nowhere a knife stood up to my neck. I felt a cold chill down my spine. I'm going to die aren't I.  I felt the blood in my body rushing, my heart was beating very fast, my breathing was speeding up too. Then I felt the knife slowly touching my skin. Then out of instinct my hand broke out of the ropes, shot out and grabbed the knife trying to push it away with all the strength in my body. Then the knife shot out to the side so the man started to grab me by the arms.  By instinct I broke his grip and punched his shoulders, and got up after untying the ropes wrapped around me with my free hand, then got up from the ground and tried to find the door. I felt a cool doorknob touch the side of my hand, I could hear the man whimpering in pain, I must have hit him hard. I opened the door and blinding light filled the room. Then, I saw who the man was. I can't believe it. It's my- my uncle...

The Dark Days (Chapers Will Be Longer In Final Draft)Where stories live. Discover now