2065, August 4

55 5 0

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HARRIET" My Dad tried to yell, but it came out as a strained whisper. He became very pale after he noticed me. "HARRIET RUN, I'LL STALL HIM FOR YOU!" Dad whispered. I could see the horror on his face, he looked angry but scared at the same time. "Go to your Mum's house, she'll protect you, now run Harriet, run." Dad whispered to me. I ran, I ran like a cheetah, I feel guilty, my throat was very dry and it was painful to gulp. I feel horrible, like I just killed someone. What if my Dad is dead? It's all your fault my consciousness told me over and over and over again. But I kept on running, I must have ran about half a mile, but i can't stop now, I can see my Mum's house, then I noticed all the houses doors and windows were boarded up. When I got to my Mum's house I knew she wouldn't open the door for me, but I know a way to get into her basement without her even knowing it's there. When I entered the house I could hear my Mum hammering nails with all her might to board up something. I went upstairs. "Mum? Dad told me to come over so you can prot-" I started "WHO'S THERE" She jumped. "Mum it's me Harriet." I told her. "Oh sorry, thought you were going to kill me." She responded revealingly. It was very dark and hard to see but i could still see her face. "I'm so glad you're safe, I was worried sick." Mum whispered in my ear, then hugged me...

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