2065, July 18

52 6 0

My father was watching the news when I came into the living room. When I came in a man on the TV announced "ELX-5279 has been spread by a woman that escaped from a hospital. BEWARE DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR FOR ANYONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!!" It also said that it is a very lethal and infectious disease, and the disease may cause tumors. I could hear banging on the door after the news ended, my Dad said to stay back and do not open the door, then he asked me "Harriet, is your bedroom window locked?", "No, why" I responded. everything went silent after that. After a few hours my Dad grabbed a shotgun out of his gun safe. After that I could tell something was going down. My Dad also whispered "Stay behind me and don't make a sound, there's someone at the door"...

The Dark Days (Chapers Will Be Longer In Final Draft)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя