2065, August 22

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My Father had run past the guard. I ran up to my father and hugged him. "How did you survive?" I asked him, "Somebody shot the man attacking me." My Father answered. "Who?" I continued, "... I don't know" My Father answered again "I began looking for you as soon as it happened, when I went to your Mum's house, you weren't there, nor was your Mother...". "My Uncle Kidnapped me and tried to kill me!" I said loudly. "Where is he!" My Father questioned in a panicked voice. "Last time I saw him he was attacking me at an old house, I'm only okay because my friend Jay came and saved me." I  stuttered. "Lets go" My Father panicked "Hurry!" "But what about Jay?" I asked. I ran to Jay "Jay, my Father is alive!" I said excitedly "He wants to leave, but I wanted to ask if you and Archer would want to come... So do you?", "Sure." answered Jay, then Jay extended his arm over to his little brother, who was sleeping and gently shook him awake. "Come on." Jay said. Archer slowly stood up and rubbed his eyes. "Where?" Archer asked Jay. "I don't know but were going to go with Harriet and her Father. As we walked, many strangers were staring at us.

It was very hot outside, I felt like I was about to collapse, my feet were aching with pain and my throat was as dry as  it could possibly get. "Let's take a break." My father said. Jay was holding archer on his shoulders. Archer slid down Jay's back, and landed on the ground. Jay looked relieved to have archer off of his shoulders. My Father pulled 4 water bottles from his backpack, he quickly passed them to each of us. As soon as my father passed me the water bottle I desperately opened it, the water was a little warm but it was okay I had already finished it by the time my Father had even opened his bottle. "Okay let's get going." My Father said, my feet were still aching pretty badly but I decided not to argue. "Where are we going?" I asked my father, "You'll see." My Father replied. Archer had climbed back onto Jay's back, I can't believe he's still going. I thought to myself. Everybody was very silent, I started slowly to feel sick in the stomach. Then everything went black, and I felt a jolt of pain as my body hit the ground.

"Harriet, wake up!" I heard my Father say with a tone of panic in his voice. My ears were ringing loudly and my head was hurting as if I got hit in the head with a bat. I slowly started to open my eyes, I saw my Father and Jay staring at me with an expression of relief on their faces. I looked around the room, I was on a very soft bed, there were paintings on the walls of the room, and there was a bench where I saw Archer sleeping on...

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