2065, August 21

26 1 0

I found a subway with a few survivors. Most of the survivors were adult men. Some of them were asleep, and some were talking to each other. Then I saw Jay And Archer sitting in a corner. I went over to talk to them, but a large, adult man moved in my way and said "who are you?" In a deep voice. "My name is Harriet." I replied. "Well then Harriet, what do you want?" He asked in a rude tone.
"I was just wandering around and I found this subway and I decided to explore." I replied. "Outsiders aren't allowed in the subway. Get out." He told me pointing to the door. I started to walk towards the door then I looked back at Jay and Archer, Jay had a large cut in his leg and Archer' s hands were bleeding all over. I wonder what happened to them. I walked around and find some food.

"DROP YOUR WEAPON!" A male voice called out at me. I turned around and saw a man in a black mask holding a m9 pistol up to my head. I did as told and dropped my weapon. " HAND OVER THE BAG" The male voice demanded. So I did as told again and gave him the bag. The he pointed the gun at my leg and he was about to pull the trigger. So I kicked his leg and then grabbed my bag and weapon and ran while he still was rubbing his leg...

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