Chapter Forty-Three

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Ivy yawned as she sat up for her bed, she shut her alarm off and walked to the bathroom.

She ran the water and threw her clothes off, she rubbed her eyes and got under the water.

She quickly washed her hair and rinsed it off, she took her coconut scented body wash and washed herself.

She quickly rinsed it off and turned the water off. She got out of the bathtub and started to dry herself off.
She put on her undergarments and put on her outfit for today; ripped light blue jeans, a plain black shirt and white Adidas shoes.

She walked downstairs as she put the black Nike backpack over her shoulder.

Her phone dinged and she looked at it, nobody wasn't up so she stayed quiet.

Do you need a ride? Because I'm outside right now.

Ivy chuckled at the text and quietly opened the front door, the black range rover sat in the drive way.

Ivy closed the door and ran to the Auston's Range Rover and quickly got in.

"I'm so sorry for acting up last night," Auston said as he backed away from the drive way.

"It's fine Auston, don't worry about it." Ivy said as they drove to the art school.

"Okay, cool uh do you need to get picked up after school too?" Auston asked as he drove on the streets of Downtown Toronto.

"Yeah but that's if it's okay with you," Ivy said as she looked out the window.

"No problem, I'll see you later on." Auston said smiling as he stopped in front of the school.

Ivy thanked him and got off the vehicle, she opened the main doors and she went to her first class.
"Your second assignment is of course to draw what you think that should be stopped in this world, or make a drawing how the world is being treating, you have two weeks to get it back to me." Mrs. Hill said as the students wrote it down in their notebook.

"The bell is going to ring soon, so just get ready to leave and have a nice day, I'll see you tomorrow and make sure to work on that assignment!" She said as the bell ranged.

Everyone packed up and walked out of the classroom, the hallways got crowded and Ivy quickly walked to her second class.

She walked to her usually place where she sits and she place her arms on the desk as she waited for more students to come in.

A face came in and Ivy instantly knew who it was, David. He seen her and he waved, she waved back and he sat down.

"Since the whole class is here, I have another assignment for you which is extremely easy. So you guys won't have any problems with that, but your assignment is you need to find information on how, when and who created photography, how they created camera's. I need this assignment back on this Friday so get working." Mr. Smith said and everyone pulled out their MacBooks and started to find information.
The lunch bell ranged as Ivy packed up her stuff up, she sighed and yawned she was tired and just wanted to sleep.

They all went out of the class and into the cafeteria where all the students sat at tables having great conversations.

Well Ivy, she gripped her backpack strap and sat at a empty table by herself.

She took her backpack off and set it aside on the table as she drank her water as she liked other people's Instagram posts on her phone.

"I think this is going to be our meet up place," David chuckled as he sat down beside her, unwrapping his sub.

"I'm pretty sure." Ivy said laughing, he took a bite of his sub as Ivy took a drink of her water.

"So do you play any sports?" Ivy asked as David wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I don't really care for sports, I'm more of a photographer kind of guy." He said as he fixed his glasses.

"That's cool, you live in Toronto?" Ivy asked as she fiddled with her phone.

"Yeah I do actually, do you play sports?" David asked and Ivy shook her head.

"I use to," Ivy said quietly. "Used to?" David asked as he raised his dark eyebrow.

"I played hockey but I quit," Ivy said and shrugged, she regretted everything she has done, just for a stupid boy but you can never change the past. You just have to move on and live your life.

"Oh, do you have plans after school?" He asked and Ivy thought about it, she didn't do anything after school besides laying in her bed and watching Friends.

"Not that I think of it, why?" She asked as she looked at David.

"Do you wanna get something to drink and maybe get to know each more?" He asked nervously and Ivy chuckled.

"Sure, just come pick me up. I'll text you my address," Ivy said as she pulled out her phone and gave it to him.

He quickly typed his number in and texted himself , his phone chimed and he gave her back her phone.

"Well, I'll see you later." Ivy said as they bell ranged and she stood up.

"See ya," David said as they both walked their separate ways.
Ivy listened to all the teenagers that were in her class that were presented their beautiful assignments.

"Ivy, it's your turn," Miss. Andrews said which made Ivy snap out of her thought.

"Oh, okay." Ivy quietly said and some boys carefully set her painted canvas in the front.

"Hi, my name is Ivy. I'm eighteen years old and I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario which is eighteen hours from here, but I painted on the canvas is the northern lights, when I was a little kid, my parents and my older brother Axel we used to go to this cliff that you could drive up with and we would watch the northern lights. I miss it very much and I really miss my home so this is why I painted this," Ivy said as she got helped from a boy and placed it back on the holder for the canvas.

Everybody in the class clap their hands, but Ivy didn't know why because it wasn't that good, the teacher smiled and the bell ranged.

"Have a great day and I'll see you all tomorrow!" She yelled as everyone piled out the door.

Driving to Toronto and listening to John Fogerty is what I love, aha but see ya!

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