Chapter Twenty-One

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{Don't play the song yet!}

Ivy hopped out of the truck with Kasperi and Ivy ranned into the hospital, "slow down Ivy!" Kasperi yelled as he caught up with her.

"I'm scared what if something happened to him?" Ivy said trembling with her words, "hey, everything is going to be okay, I promise."Kasperi said as he held her hand and walked into the hospital.

"I'm here for Axel Richards, is he okay?" Ivy asked worriedly to the nurse sitting behind the counter she came out with papers and looked at Ivy with sadness in her eyes.

"As Axel was driving home from work, he fell alseep behind the wheel and a truck hit his, it was full on collision. The doctors are doing everything they can right now, It's just up to Axel now." The nurse said as she walked away.

"My brother might die," Ivy said as the words hit her hard, tears forming in her eyes making her vision get blurry.

"He'll get up, let's just sit down." Kasperi said as he held her hand and guided her to the hospital chairs.

Ivy sighed and let her tears fall, she let them fall because she was in pain and didn't want to feel it so she hid it far away but now it's all coming out.

Kasperi grabbed her gently and hugged her, she quietly cried into his chest as she grabbed his sweater, not wanting him to leave her.

Ivy calmed down and wiped her tears, she looked at Kasperi trying to get out the words she wantd to say.

"You can't leave me, everybody around me is slowly leaving me and I can't let you go." Ivy pleaded and Kasperi felt sad, he felt his heart break as those words came out of her mouth.

"I'm never going to leave you." Kasperi whispered as he comfort her, many doctors walked into the waiting room but it wasn't for Ivy.

Everybody was out of the waiting room except for Ivy and Kasperi, Ivy sighed getting impatient, she felt scared but the only one that didn't leave was Kasperi he is holding her together and he doesn't even know it.

A doctor came in and he looked at Ivy with guilt and sadness filled his eyes, Ivy jolted up and walked up to him.

{Play the song now!}

"Is my brother okay? Is he alive?" Ivy asked worriedly, the doctor sighed and looked at her.

"I'm sorry but we've tried everything we did but your brother did not make it." The doctor said and Ivy felt like she died and she couldn't hear anything.

Ivy nodded her head as the doctor walked away she looked at Kasperi with her sad blue eyes, "could we just go home?" Ivy quietly asked, Kasperi stood up from the chair and grabbed her hand.

They both walked to the front desk and the same nurse looked at her with sympathy, "I'm sorry for your loss," the nurse said quietly.

"Thank you, but could call my parents and tell them? I don't have the courage to tell them right now." Ivy asked as she choked on her words, really wanting to cry.

"I will," the nurse said as she picked up the phone and dialled some numbers. They both walked to the main entrance not saying a word.

"It's just me and you against the world," Kasperi said as they walked out of the hospital, Ivy didn't want to cry because she has to be strong.                                                                                                  ***

"Do you want me to say with you?" Kasperi asked as he shut the door, "yes please." Ivy said quietly as Kasperi followed Ivy upstairs.

Ivy laid on her bed and Kasperi laid on the other side, "I can't believe that just happen," Ivy quietly said referring to her brother just passing.

"It's going to be okay because I'm going to be beside you for the rest of your life." Kasperi whispered as he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm so glad I have you." Ivy said and she meant it, she meant everything she said to him and she'll never forget about the first time they met.

"I'm so glad to have you," Kasperi said as Ivy turned her body to face him. He kissed her forhead and she laid on his chest as he laid on his back.

Kasperi played with hair and that's what Ivy needed with right now, she just needed someone to be with her and Kasperi is that someone.

Ivy's phone started to ring and she got out of Kasperi's grip and answered her phone, it was her mom.

M- hey are you okay honey?

I- I'm fine mom, I just need you here.

Ivy said as she let out a small sob, Kasperi hugged her by the behind as he calmed her down.

M- we're coming right now, our flight is just leaving pretty soon. Don't worry honey we'll be there

I- okay, do I have to come back home?

M- it's up to you but where are you going to stay? There probably going to sell the house

I- I'll think about it, but I'm going to try and get some rest I love you mom see you in a bit

M- I love you too

Ivy hunged up the phone and laid back down, "you can't leave me." Kasperi said with hurt in his voice.

"Where am I going to stay?" Ivy asked as she played with Kasperi's blonde hair.

"Stay with me, live with me." He said and Ivy was shocked but she really wanted to go to school and she sighed.

"Are you sure?" Ivy asked, Kasperi nodded and looked at her. "Yeah, I have a very big house and there's rooms, I could drive you to school everyday," Kasperi said as he planned out everything.

"Okay, I'll move in with you." Ivy said showing off her smile, she didn't want to smile but when it came to Kasperi she felt so happy, she felt loved and she felt safe with him.

Ivy thought about stuff as she admired his features, she loves him and she can't deny it, not in a friendship way she loved him like a boyfriend. She wanted to spend her whole life with him.

Shit, this chapter got me in the feels no lies, but hope you enjoyed! See you later!

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