Chapter Thirty

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September 2nd, 2016 is the day Ivy will never forget, it was the day Axel passed away and she stills remembers the what happened, she knew it by heart and she didn't want to.

Ivy sighed as she patted her black dress down and looked into the mirror, her black lace dress that has long sleeves, her black flats and her hair straighten.

She walked downstairs to see her parents sitting at the table, dressed in black.

"Are you ready honey?" Sarah asked Ivy who was lost for words, she had to be strong for her daughter and she will be.

Ivy nodded her head and her parents both stood up from the table.

"Let's go," John said sighing as they all walked to their vehicle.

It was quiet in the car, too quiet but they sat in silence.

Ivy looked out the window as she tried her best not to cry, they stopped at a vintage church and got out of the car.

They all walked into the church and the casket was closed because Axel had bruises on his face and cuts.

So they closed it because John and Sarah didn't want to see their child like that, they sat down on the first bench and Ivy couldn't take her eyes off the casket.

She thought this wasn't really real, she didn't want it to be real, she just wanted her brother with her and everything would be okay.

"Together we are joined by the loving memory of Axel Richards, he was a great kid but it was his time to go." The priest said and some people sobbed or sniff.

"Let's bow our head and take a minute to remember Axel." The priest said and everybody bowed their heads.

Ivy looked at her dress and tears dropped onto the black dress, Ivy quickly wiped her eyes and everybody had their heads up.

John knew that Ivy was crying so he put his arm around her and comfort them; Ivy and her mother as they cried for Axel.

"Now a few words from Ivy Richards, who is Axel's sister." The priest said and Ivy slowly got up.

She stood beside the casket and put her arms on the wooden stand.

"Well there's more than a few words to say," Ivy said as she made a bit of people chuckle.

"I didn't even know that I was going to speak but I'm glad I'm doing it, I'm Ivy. Axel's sister, I surely do miss him. He was, well still is the best brother in the world. He used to make you smile when you didn't want to, he made you happy when you were upset, I love him and I miss him. He's the best brother I could ask for, yes he's gone which is sad but he's happy up there and he wants you to be happy. When we went into the hospital my boyfriend Kasperi was with me all the way and I don't know what to do without him, I know Kasperi isn't here but I just needed to let everyone know how much Kasperi means to me, I'm going to make you proud Axel, I promise." Ivy said before crying.

Her dad helped her to the bench and she started to quietly sob.
As they went to the graveyard to bury Axel, Ivy felt sad it felt like her depression came back but more dark and scarier.

She just needed Kasperi with her right now, she felt so alone and scared.

They started to bury her brother and she let her tears fall off her face as she looked at the casket lower in the ground.

Her mother put her arm around her as they both looked at the casket, crying.
*** (im sorry there's to much of these stars but idk what else to write, sorry!)

Ivy's skype started to ring, Ivy slowly got up from her chair and answered the call.

Kasperi appeared on the screen and she immediately started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I just miss you and I need you here with me. I miss my brother and you," Ivy said between her quiet sobs.

"Hey it's okay, I want to be here with you. I really do, don't cry my princess you can't cry." Kasperi said and Ivy closed the bedroom door, she slowly walked back to the bed looking at Kasperi who was walking somewhere.

"Where are you?" Ivy said as she wiped the tears off her face, "i'm just walking around the house, why?" Kasperi asked as he looked at the screen.

"Nothing, just looked like you were out," Ivy said as she put the laptop on her chest.

"Just three more day, three more days and we could be together." Kasperi mumbled but loud enough for Ivy to hear.

"Yeah, but it really feels like three years." Ivy said as she looked at the screen.

"So how's your mom doing?" Ivy said changing the subject, Kasperi sighed and looked at the camera.

"Well there doing cemo therapy now but it looks like she's not doing good," Kasperi said as he looked at the screen.

"She'll fight it, I just know it." Ivy said determined, "my family wants to meet you." Kasperi said as he fixed the laptop screen so Ivy could see him better.

"My whole family wants to see you too." Ivy said as she picked up her coffee and took a drink.

"What are you doing?" Kasperi asked and Ivy looked around.

"Just talking to you," Ivy said and she looked at Kasperi through the screen.

"No like I mean did you hangout with old friends?" Kasperi asked as he laid on his bed still looking at the camera.

"No, there isn't nobody to hangout with, Spencer went to college, I don't have any friends besides her." Ivy said, "what about you?" Ivy asked Kasperi.

"Nothing really just the hospital and eating, talking to you and going to bed." Kasperi said and he looked at the ceiling.

"I'm really tired," Ivy said yawning. "Go to bed, I'll stay here." Kasperi said.

Ivy got comfortable and looked at the laptop, another night without Kasperi is just the best. Is what Ivy thought.

Ivy closed her eyes and she let out quiet  snores, Kasperi smiled as he listened to her snores which made him a lot sleepier.

Hey! I know it sucks but it's just a filler, really can't sleep so I'm writing chapters, see ya!

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